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A desperate father, alongside a tenacious cop, battles his own demons on the streets of 1980s New York as he searches for his missing nine-year-old son. (Netflix)

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Arvostelut (1)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti This show takes a well-worn theme and gives it a fresh twist, which is fantastic. Benedict Cumberbatch delivers another stellar performance, and he has plenty to work with here. His character, a father, loses his son in the gritty streets of 1980s New York. As you progress through the series, you realize that nothing is as straightforward as it seems. Cumberbatch's character undergoes a brutal transformation over the six episodes, and the atmosphere of the city is palpable. These two elements are the standout features of the series. While it might feel a bit stretched at times, making me consider dropping my rating to three stars, I ultimately decided that Cumberbatch's performance and the immersive atmosphere deserve higher praise. ()

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