Laura Astorga

Laura Astorga

s. 1975
Costa Rica


Laura Astorga Carrera is a film director, screenwriter, human rights, disability and feminist activist. Astorga is the director of the feature film Red Princesses (2013), which was worldwide released worldwide at the Berlin International Film Festival and was awarded as Best Opera Prima in Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival (USA) and the Festival de Cine Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Margarita (Venezuela), among others. Red Princesses was Costa Rica’s official selection for the 87th Academy Awards in the Best Foreign Language Film competition. Laura Astorga has been a juror in various international film festivals such as: the Berlin International Film Festival 2014 (Germany), Ícaro Festival (Nicaragua), Hayah International Short Film Festival (Panama) and the 7th Festival de Cine Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Margarita (Venezuela). The worldwide premier of her short movie Ellas se aman (They love each other) featured at Locarno's International Film Festival (2008); and was shown in different films festivals like San Francisco, Mar del plata, Madrid, Torino, Bilbao, Sao Paulo y London, among others.

Festival Internacional de Cine en Guadalajara



Princesas rojas



Princesas rojas