
Nicola Sacco ja Bartolomeo Vanzetti olivat 1900-luvun alussa Yhdysvaltoihin rantautuneet italialaiset anarkistit, jotka joutuivat syyttömänä vastuuseen ryöstökeikasta ja näin ollen vuosia kestäneen oikeusprosessin hampaisiin. Giuliano Montaldon realistisessa ja luovan impressionistisessa tavassa käsitellä aihetta näkyy että mies sai oppinsa Gillo Pontecorvon ja Francesco Rosin apulaisohjaajana. Julma kierre sujahtaa oivallisena osana italialaisen poliittisen elokuvan jatkumoon, ammentaen oppi-isien töistä, vailla plagiointia. (OK) (Midnight Sun Film Festival)


Videot (1)


Arvostelut (2)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Nicely written, directed, and performed film, although it lacks a greater distance from the topic. It is too noticeable that the creators sympathize with the political beliefs of their heroes, and the film is rather a tribute to the workers' movement of that era than an artistic statement about one court drama and one controversial time. There is not much to object to in individual aspects of the film, but at the same time, Sacco and Vanzetti as a whole will definitely not bring the viewer to ecstasy. Much more could have been extracted from this subject. Overall impression: 60%. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Sacco and Vanzetti is a movie that will destroy any illusions you may have regarding the impartiality and functionality of any judicial system, especially the one in the "land of freedom and democracy". The distinctly documentary-style drama uses a cool and factual approach to the events surrounding the fabricated lawsuit with Italian immigrants Niccola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti. At times, I found it maybe too cold, which was perhaps the most appropriate choice due to the heavy subject matter showing the uncompromising development of events around the two main characters. I was especially surprised by Gian Maria Volonté with his dignified performance in the role of a political radical, whose opinions you don’t have to agree with at all, still, will be unable to resist being impressed by his innocent devotion to a higher cause. ()


Kuvagalleria (51)