El agente topo


Suoratoistopalvelut (2)


Sergio is a Chilean spy. Sort of. At least, he is offered the role of one after a casting session organized by Detective Romulo, a private investigator who needs a credible mole to infiltrate a retirement home. Romulo’s client, the concerned daughter of a resident, suspects her mother is being abused and hires him to find out what is really happening. However, Sergio is 83, not 007, and not an easy trainee when it comes to technology and spying techniques. But he is a keen student, looking for ways to distract himself after recently losing his wife. What could be a better distraction than some undercover spy action? While gathering intelligence, Sergio grows close to several residents and realizes that the menacing truth beneath the surface is not what anyone had suspected. Maite Alberdi’s The Mole Agent is a stylish combination of an observational documentary and a spy movie, with sleek camerawork and wonderfully watchable characters. It’s a unique meditation on compassion and loneliness that will infiltrate your heart and never let go. (Sundance Film Festival)


Arvostelut (2)



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suomi (Pseudu)dokumentaarinen elokuva, joka käyttäessään kehyskertomuksena tutkimusta siitä, kohdellaanko chileläisen vanhainkodin asukkaita hyvin tai tapahtuuko siellä jotain muuta epäilyttävää, tuo katsojan silmien eteen surullisen ja synkän totuuden sellaisten ihmisen vanhuudesta, joilla ei juuri enää pää eikä kroppa pelitä, mutta ainakin on ollut sen verran onnea, että paikka vanhainkodista on irronnut. Vanhukset eivät tosin elä täysin yksin – heillä on ympärillään muitakin, enemmän tai vähemmän seniilejä kanssaeläjiä, mutta se ei pysty korvaamaan älyllisesti rikasta keskustelua jonkun kanssa, joka on yhä järjissään tai kykenee lausumaan runoja ulkomuistista. Eikä se missään nimessä korvaa kontaktia perheenjäseniin, jotka heidät ovat vanhainkotiin jättäneet. On surullista elää loppuelämä näin, mutta eipä sille oikeastaan mitään mahda. [Rakkautta & Anarkiaa 2020] ()


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englanti The Mole Agent is a truly unconventional documentary that would also stand up as a mix of a spy comedy and a subtle drama about old age and its attendant woes. While the primary motive for the story is the (if possibly subtle) infiltration of a retirement home to obtain information about the staff and residents, the film also deals with more serious issues that are still very relevant today. Many pensioners experience a daunting sense of loneliness, forgetting their loved ones and relying on others for help, yet they can still be a well of years of life wisdom and experience that they would love to pass on to their offspring, who often don't visit them at all. Alongside this more serious line, however, the film has many a humorous moment based on that very old age, giving rise to a touchingly funny story of life with its pros and cons. ()