A Matter of Time

? %
Kanada, 2015, 85 min


Casey Cohen


Casey Cohen


Kaitlin Fontana


In 2007, musician Kathryn Calder (of The New Pornographers) is touring the world with one of Canada's biggest indie rock bands when her family receives devastating news: her mother, Lynn, has two to three years left to live. She has ALS. Kathryn learns that ALS is a progressive, paralyzing disease, with no treatment or cure. A terminal illness requiring full time care. She consequently decides to return to her childhood home, committed to being her mom's primary caregiver through the final months of her life. The foundation of Lynn and Kathryn's bond goes beyond mother and daughter-they share a love of music. Lynn, a former piano teacher, has always dreamed of seeing her daughter in the spotlight, singing her own songs. Inspired to make something beautiful amidst the grief and trauma of this long, painful goodbye, Kathryn transforms the living room of their house into a studio. With her mother in bed just down the hall and her condition worsening every day, Kathryn will fill the house with music and make a record-her first solo album-a parting gift for her biggest fan. A Matter of Time is a heart-breaking yet hopeful documentary that examines the power of love and music, and the inspiration, salvation, and possibility that occurs when these two forces intersect with the most challenging moment in a young musician's life. (KinoSmith)
