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Dokumentti / Urheilu
Ranska, 2006, 70 min


The football World Cup 2006 from the perspective of the French national player Vikash Dhorasoo and the writer and musician Fred Poulet. Both shoot footage with a super-8 camera: the one his everyday experiences as an increasingly frustrated substitute player for the Équipe tricolore; the other everything that happens during his travels throughout Germany and inside the stadium at all the French games. Melancholy instead of euphoria, loneliness instead of "one-for-all-and-all-for-one"rhetoric, a tragic hero instead of a glorious athlete – Substitute is the other documentary football film. What begins as a World Cup adventure, full of hope, turns into the diary of a bitter disappointment. The father (trainer Domenech) rejects the son (Dhorasoo) who is worn down by the waiting, the boredom, and the self-doubt. Sixteen minutes on the field are too little to give him a sense of belonging. And even literature (Stefan Zweig, Fred Vargas, Jonathan Coe) and Neil Young's "Helpless" only help to a certain degree. Fortunately, there's the camera: if he can't play football, at least he can film! The medium of super-8 turns the gigantic event into a colorful, shaky, blurry, charming spectacle. A German hit song from the seventies gets the last word: "Later, that might be too late for me." (Arsenal Filmverleih)
