RBG, tuomari ja tasa-arvotaistelija

Traileri 1


Ruth Bader Ginsburg (1933 - 2020), RBG, Yhdysvaltojen historian toinen nainen Korkeimman oikeuden tuomarina, teki ainutkertaisen uran lainkäyttäjänä ja sukupuolten tasa-arvon edistäjänä. Hänen elämäntyönsä muutti lainkäytön lisäksi koko yhteiskuntaa. (YLE)

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englanti Liberal overseas icon of the United States Supreme Court (and social networks) judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her “GEN like" portrait suffering from talking head syndrome. It is a praising portrait free of conflicts or different opinions. However, as long as the career and fruits of groundbreaking work from a time when gender was not yet a parody of itself are being recapitulated in a way Wikipedia does it, it doesn't matter so much. The authors are able to briefly present the fundamental cases of her career, her role in them and the impact on society. Moreover, they never lose sight of the RGB as a person and do not perceive it only through state authority or liberal attitudes, so it even manages to impress in one or two places. The main drawback, however, is the final third of the movie when it ceases to be a portrait summarizing the career of a respectable person and it turns into a forced and engaged pamphlet “what is happening overseas now", with which you can even agree in terms of your opinion, but it does not fit into the concept of the portrait, not at all. Suddenly, the respondents are instead of colleges, legal experts, top politicians or family members the millennial from the world of social networks, who have nothing to say about RBG, apart from what mem they last saw with her and that they bought a T-shirt with her picture. This loses the timeless distance that is so needed for a similar document concept. All this would not have really mattered if the strong theme of the unlikely icon in the form of a “silent grandmother in a robe, who is not afraid to remain silent and became the voice of rationality" if the authors had dealt with it at least in a supporting manner, had investigated hysteria surrounding her and not only in a campaign way saying “conservative/Trump followers" are the bad guys, yes, it´s great that we still have them. ()