Suoratoistopalvelut (2)
Mies palaa kotitilaltaan Appalakeilta, ja matkan varrella hän rakastuu nuoreen naiseen. Ainoa ongelma on, että tämän perhe on vannonut tappavansa jokaisen hänen perheensä jäsenen.Nuori mies ihastuu nuoreen naiseen kotimatkallaan; hänen tietämättään naisen perhe on vannonut tappavansa kaikki hänen perheenjäsenensä. (SMD Entertainment)
Arvostelut (1)
I was quite surprised by how intriguing slapstick can be. Well, this isn't exactly a classic slapstick because it's not about individual funny scenes; it's about the overall tone of the story, which is really interesting, sometimes even absurd. What surprised me the most, though, was the quality of the stunts presented here. The stunt performers in this film could definitely hold their own by today's standards. It's as if the actors, led by Keaton, had no fear at all. Captivating and at times truly suspenseful. ()
Kuvagalleria (18)
Kuva © Metro Pictures Corporation