Suoratoistopalvelut (2)


Katelbachilla on vihdoin tarpeeksi todisteita, jotta Lufthansa-juttu voidaan julkaista Tempossa. Etusivun jutuksi nousee kuitenkin Betty Winterin tapaus. Rot on yhä epäilty, vaikka hän pääseekin vapaaksi. (Ruutu+)

Arvostelut (1)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut (tähän sarjaan)

englanti The previous episode was approaching disaster, but suddenly the creators had a revelation and came up with an atmospheric, lively, and entertaining episode that definitely didn't have any trouble holding my attention. There was investigation, politics, manipulation, and unexpectedly, frau Behnke became the star of the episode, with her hidden talent that would even make Jason Bourne envious. ()

Kuvagalleria (7)