Traileri 1


Episodic film takes place in compartments during one train journey. Once the train is moving, you cannot stop it, you cannot get off, you must survive there until it stops. The well-known world remains outside, passing behind the windows – it's only mirrored reflection in the window glass – while inside a new ecosystem thrives, temporarily independent. It brings together an assortment of random people who would otherwise not get the opportunity to come across each other. Here it is not difficult anymore to intersect the fates; you just enter the compartment (you are rarely lucky enough to find some empty). Who sits opposite of you? Perhaps it is the wise guy who is actually a fool, a thief is robbed, seducer is seduced and a victim is a murderer. And maybe the wise guy is a victim, a thief is seduced, murderer is a fool and seducer is robbed. So which one are you? You never know who boarded. (jakelijan virallinen teksti)



Käyttäjä Muoto Kielet Lisätty Muist.
roswelll DVD