Suoratoistopalvelut (2)


Joulu hovissa on perinteiden kulta-aikaa, tarkoituksena on tuoda iloa kaikelle kansalle. Victoria on kuitenkin alamaissa, sillä hänelle joulu tuo aina mieleen yksinäisen lapsuuden. Albert sen sijaan on jouluihminen omalla luutuneella tavallaan. (YLE)

Arvostelut (1)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut (tähän sarjaan)

englanti The Christmas special really disappointed me. I was really pissed off that even in a Victorian-era TV series, the creators couldn't avoid bowing down to the spreaders of political correctness. Well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised, given that Britain, which I always loved, has turned into some sort of absurdistan where statues of scientists and philosophers must disappear from universities just because they were white people who aren't liked by the present majority population. ()

Kuvagalleria (26)