Prázdniny v Provence


Arvostelut (3)



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suomi Joku halusi maksattaa nyt kovasti muodissa olevan Provencen loman, ja niin syntyi ääliömäinen elokuva typeristä narkeista, jotka tekevät juuri sitä, mitä heiltä voi odottaakin, ja siinä sivussa hölisevät ääliömäisiä juttujaan. Update: Sitaatti ohjaajalta: "Saavut Ranskaan ilman valmista käsikirjoitusta tietäen, että jo parin päivän päästä pitää olla kuvattuna ainakin jokin valmis kokonaisuus..." No, juuri niin... ()

novoten BOO!

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englanti Creative collapse in live broadcast. I really wonder what Vladimír Michálek, an artist who managed to produce three noteworthy films in five years, would say about this spectacle twenty years ago. It doesn't matter if it's a big scam on the paying viewer or a filming session where nothing worked out at all. Either way, the result deserved to be burned and not thrown onto the screen. ()


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englanti The boys tried their best, but that's about it. From the previews it looked like it might be a pure comedy with no shortage of funny lines. But everything was different. Absolutely all the jokes were used in the trailer. The rest of the film is a poorly made, muddled drama that lacks any meaningful plot. The characters don't have clear characters; they act one way, then another. The film basically consists of a lot of scenes that go nowhere, which are there just to drop a mostly very weak joke that just occurred to the writers. The supporting characters are also rather pointless. They just pop in and out without really mixing up the plot. Plus, most of them are pretty badly acted. This doesn't do it. 1.5 stars ()