Ilsa - She Wolf Of SS

  • Kanada Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS (lisää)


Natsi-Saksa 1945. Ilsa on pelätyn vankileirin julma nasikomendantti, jota kutsutaan lempinimellä Naarassusi, sillä hän tekee kidutuskammiossaan sadistisia ihmiskokoita. (Soulmedia Fin.)

Arvostelut (2)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS is famously shocking, but it’s not nearly as shocking as it claims to be. There’s plenty of explicit sex in it, but the violence and blood, of which there is also an abundance, don’t have much of an effect. The reason for that is that the film itself is terribly naïve, amateurish and boring. Poor acting and inept directing make it impossible to identify with any of the main or supporting characters on the other side of the barricade, and as far as atmosphere is concerned, there is emptiness on the camp’s parade ground. The film is passable in terms of its screenplay – the modest runtime and the amount of violence and sex would have been enough for a decent portion of perverse entertainment. But it would have to have been filmed by someone with more skill. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti "Ilsa: The She-Wolf of the SS" is one of those movies where you get exactly what you expect. It is a B-movie, essentially a trashy film, but it is not as cruel as some Chinese or Japanese pieces. In fact, it is quite moderate, which allows the viewer to focus on the nudity, which is not spared here, although it remains modest. It is not a shocking film, but for fans of depravity, it is still entertainment. ()


Kuvagalleria (28)