
  • Suomi Phenomena - ilmiö (lisää)

Suoratoistopalvelut (2)


Sveitsin Alpeilla tuntematon murhaaja leikkaa turistilta pään irti. Kahdeksan kuukautta myöhemmin nuori Jennifer Corvino (Jennifer Connelly) saapuu seudulle lähetettäväksi yksityiskouluun. Uneen vaivuttuaan hän sattuu todistamaan uutta murhaa. Jennifer eksyy metsään ja kohtaa entomologiin (Donald Pleasence), joka havaitsee hänellä hämmästyttävän kyvyn kommunikoida hyönteisten kanssa. Ehkä Jenniferin ainutlaatuiset ominaisuudet voivat auttaa ratkaisemaan murhamysteerin... (Cinema Mondo)


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Arvostelut (4)


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englanti Phenomena is less bloody than Argento’s other films and focuses more on the story and atmosphere than on the visual aspect, which is a big plus. Jennifer Connelly and Donald Pleasence are superbly cast and the hypnotic insect mystery works wonders in combination with the psychedelic music and wonderfully isolated alpine setting. If it weren’t for a few minor shortcomings, this would be a genre gem! ()


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englanti Monty Python presents: Phenomena – Revenge of the Chimp… Wait, it wasn’t a parody? I'm amazed what kind of horrible nonsense the diehard Argento fans are willing to put up with. Exactly as Fulci said: Argento is a skilled director of eye-popping scenes, but a terrible screenwriter. All that was missing was that the killer was the chimpanzee, and actually, in the context of the events in the film, I wouldn't be surprised. After all, his entrance with a razor at the very end was the cherry on top. ()



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englanti In the distance, a bus disappears, which forgot you somewhere in the mountains. A cold wind is rising, the landscape is blooming and idyllic, scattered alpine cottages are on the slopes, the meadows are green with grass, but still there is something indescribably wrong. And when the head of the murdered student breaks through the glass to the cliff, time almost stops. Subsequently, the camera travels for a while against the current of the waterfall, and turns several times with a strange speed before finding the severed head disappearing into the stream. In Argento's films, I always find some aspect that I completely disagree with (here, definitely the attempt to update by incorporating current music hits, which only prove how detached Argento is from everyday reality). But at the same time, I always realize that I somehow like that guy, because our dreams seem similar. And in those dreams, just like here, it's never possible to decipher why in some scenes the characters act strangely stoically and why in others with exaggerated hysteria. Jesus, I enjoy remembering that film. Gore Verbinski imo had it the same way at one point. ()


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englanti If you’re willing to accept that the female lead can communicate with insects that help her go after a dangerous killer, you will have fulfilled the main condition to enjoy this film. Another condition is high tolerance for bad acting (Jennifer and the Professor are OK, the rest are KO) – some of the stuff those actors have to say reaches almost parody levels. The atmosphere is decent overall – the Alps do their job – but it’s such a shame that about half of the potentially scary scenes are ruined by music that is terrible for horror, the choice of which I really can’t understand. The last half hour, when things finally get going a little, improves the otherwise mixed feelings. It’s one of those films that I believe warrants a remake. ()

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