Filth to Ashes, Flesh to Dust

  • Yhdysvallat Body to Dust
kaikki julisteet


Six recent high school graduates venture into the den of a notorious serial killer, only to realize it may be the last mistake they've ever made. Eric and Shelly were attempting to avoid traffic when they ventured down a lonely country road, and encountered Purge. A psychotic killer without a conscience, Purge makes quick work of Shelly before Eric manages a daring escape. Flash forward one year, and Eric's brother Juan ventures into Purge's lair with a group of thrill-seeking friends. Upon realizing that Juan may soon become the killer's latest victim, Eric decides to look death in the face, and rescue his brother. Meanwhile, the intruders quickly discover that Purge can show mercy, but who amongst them is pure enough to receive it? (jakelijan virallinen teksti)



Käyttäjä Muoto Kielet Lisätty Muist.
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