
  • Ranska Carnage (lisää)
Traileri 1

Suoratoistopalvelut (2)


Kaksi keskiluokkaista ja keski-ikäistä pariskuntaa tapaa sivistyneen keskustelun merkeissä. Tarkoitus on selvittää ja sopia pariskuntien samanikäisten pojanviikareiden tappelunnujakka. Kohtelias tapaaminen mutkistuu pitkittyessään. Sanailu kärjistyy kipakaksi sivalteluksi. Kun isäntäperhe alkaa tarjoilla viskiä, meno yltyy verbaaliseksi verilöylyksi – niin pariskuntien välillä kuin oman kumppanin kanssa. (Future film)


Videot (13)

Traileri 1

Arvostelut (9)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti What Polanski gains with Waltz's smirk or Winslet's unobservable expression, is destroyed by the overburned premise that could not work fully outside the theater. All the coming out of doors and calling the elevator is too stupidly unnecessary in the first half, when it is absolutely clear that it will lead to nothing and everything returns to the two rooms with incomprehensibly violent tricks. Without the convulsive lacing of the plot in one place, the sad irony with directly corrosive satire at its heart would work much better, like this the massacre only hints at. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Closer was a theater play adapted to the screen, i.e. translated into film language. Carnage is not an adapted theatre play, but rather a theater play shot and edited for the screen. Theatre actors cannot rely on their facial expressions (which the audience cannot see from afar), and that’s why they are forced to overact – they must resort to exaggerated body language and loud voices. Carnage doesn’t translate the original play into film language and statically captures theatrical acting on the screen (while showing the actors’ faces from up close). That’s why some viewers say it’s an unnecessary film. For me, however, it is not unnecessary for two reasons: 1. Even if someone made me see the play in the theater, I’d hardly get the chance to see it with these four actors. 2. To watch these four actors while knowing they’d be happy to perform for Roman Polanski even without a paycheck is nothing short of an honor. ()



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Apparently, it doesn't take much to make a good and interesting film. And it doesn't need to burn either a budget or time. One apartment, four people, and well-written dialogue, where you know where it’s going but you still enjoy it. I was expecting a slightly different ending, God knows why, but I'm certainly not complaining. Pretty good, a strong 3.5 stars. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Good dialogues are a good foundation of a high-quality dialogue-based movie. The premise itself takes the lead role here – it’s incredibly original – and the actors are doing such a great job it seems they loved the premise as well. My personal favorite was Christopher Waltz and his incredibly arrogant lawyer. Nevertheless, I believe that different viewers will fall for different characters. This movie literally lives and dies with the actors and I believe that a stage play with good actors could yield the same result. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Polanski et al. have the misfortune that I saw Carnage at the theatre. There, it made me almost die in laughter, at the cinema, however, I smirked amusingly here and there (mostly over Christoph Waltz’s smirks) and laughed (reminiscing the theatre play). It’s a good film, no doubt, with good performances and direction, but I can’t avoid being disappointed, even though I’m rationally aware that comparing a theatre play with a film is stupid. Though in this case is not that stupid actually, because you can really see the theatrical origin of the film… Some lines are clearly not uttered by a normal film character, but very “theatrically” by a character in a play. ()

Kuvagalleria (144)