Haunting in Connecticut

  • Yhdysvallat The Haunting in Connecticut

Suoratoistopalvelut (1)


Saran ja Peterin poika Matt sairastaa syöpää ja perhe muuttaa Connecticutiin lähelle häntä hoitavaa sairaalaa. Matt alkaa pian havaita talossa selittämättömiä ilmiöitä ja vakuuttuu siitä, että talo on henkien riivaama. Käy ilmi, että perheen uudella kodilla on erikoinen historia: rakennuksessa on ennen toiminut hautaustoimisto. Sara hakee apua manaajalta, kun Mattin tila kääntyy yllättäen huonompaan suuntaan ja koko perhe on vaarassa. (Future film)


Arvostelut (2)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Not nearly as bad as I expected and quite a pleasant surprise when compared with the recent and ostentatiously stupid Unborn. The story, of course, is one massive cliché, but I still liked it. The arc with the sick boy helps quite a lot, preventing the film from being as generic as other ghost stories. On the other hand, the film takes itself very seriously, which hurts it in some passages – a bit of a B-movie approach wouldn’t have hurt (but given that the hero is dying of cancer, the creators probably didn’t have balls for that). Average, watchable. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti "The Horror in Connecticut" is definitely not a completely bad horror movie, which surprised me quite a bit because I was expecting something worse. But this is a film that has a frantic pace, especially in the way horror images are portrayed here. And there are indeed plenty of them. From those that are relatively realistic, to some ectoplasms that swirl through the air. The writing on the body is truly disgusting. ()