The Reich Underground

  • Saksa Das unterirdische Reich. Die geheimen Welten der Nazis
Saksa, 2004, 94 min (TV versio: 2x52 min)


Michael Kloft


Michael Kloft


Adolf Hitler (a.o.)


While Germany sustained relentless bombing by the Allies, the Nazis undertook a bold gambit to turn the war back in their favor. Building an extensive tunnel system deep underground to house armament factories, Nazi leaders raced against time to produce the deadly new weapons they hoped would bring Germany final victory.
Long forgotten after the victorious American Army sealed them off from intruders, the sprawling underground labyrinths are reopened for the first time in decades. Using previously unreleased film material and exclusive interviews, the story of the Underground Reich provides a glimpse into awesome worlds hidden beneath the earth. (jakelijan virallinen teksti)



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