Suoratoistopalvelut (3)


astanaineiden Carlin ja Mollyn (Matt Dillon ja Kate Hudson) elämään tupsahtaa Carlin lapsuudenkaveri Dupree (Owen Wilson), joka pistää pariskunnan elämän sekaisin. (SBS Discovery Media)

Videot (3)

Traileri 2

Arvostelut (1)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Owen Wilson is probably the brightest side of this movie, and I thought he would be the annoying one. Matt Dillon is much worse, and this is a movie where Kate Hudson and Seth Rogen, who have a small role here, play. I wasn't entertained, I didn't laugh, and I was almost sorry that Michael Douglas is also in it. However, he didn't harm it in any way. ()

Kuvagalleria (95)