
Arkad, the chief of the Magyars, has heard reports about Pannonia's land of riches. He has sent Kusid to Svatopluk, the Moravian duke, and has purchased the land of Pannonia for a white horse. The Magyars conquer the new homeland. The magician sees a dream: King Bela IV reassures him that the conquest will be successful. The womaniser Kelle, the funny Adila and Löhöl, always boasting of his horn, keep arguing all the time, there is no concord to be achieved. It is Keve who must bring forth an offspring able to keep together the clans pulling apart. Keve chooses Emese and after nine months little Vajk is born. He is to become the king of the Magyars and to make the country flourish. (jakelijan virallinen teksti)
