Exergue – on documenta 14

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Kreikka, 2024, 840 min


The film follows artistic director Adam Szymczyk and his curatorial team over two years as they prepare documenta 14. Under the title of “Learning from Athens”, the 2017 edition of what is considered to be the world’s most prominent art exhibition was held for the first time both in its home of Kassel in Germany and Athens in Greece. The expansion to two locations, Szymczyk’s attempt to push the institution’s boundaries, was faced with more than just logistical obstacles. It eventually led to a financial deficit and a media scandal that obscured the artistic merits of the exhibition. Its artistic concept also sparked critical controversy and was frequently perceived as didactic or instrumentalising politically pressing issues such as the refugee crisis, neo-liberalism and the worldwide rise of far-right politics. Through its protagonists and unprecedented access, this cinematic opus told in 14 chapters invites audiences into a behind-the-scenes observation of the institutional art world and the function of contemporary art in a shifting global landscape. (Berlinale)
