Speak No Evil

Traileri 7
Yhdysvallat, 2024, 109 min


Amerikkalaisperhe ystävystyy lomamatkallaan ihastuttavan brittiperheen kanssa, ja kun brittiperhe kutsuu heidät vierailulle kotiinsa, uskovat he saavansa viettää mukavan viikonlopun idyllisissä maalaismaisemissa. Unelmaloma muuttuu kuitenkin pian hirvittäväksi psykologiseksi painajaiseksi. (Finnkino)

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Traileri 7

Arvostelut (2)


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englanti The Daltons have met the handsome Paddy and his wife on holiday and now visit them one day at their country estate. But it soon becomes clear that something is not right. And leaving won't be easy at all. Speak No Evil is a gripping and suspenseful psychological thriller that isn't afraid to open up interesting themes, but unfortunately slips into B-movie waters towards the end. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti A scene-for-scene copy of the Danish original, all the way up to the climax, which is completely reworked here. The European and American versions are an exemplary illustration of the differing approaches to the viewer. In filmmaking terms, the American version is adequately well-crafted and is surprising thanks to the good direction of the actors and the excellent original screenplay, and it keeps the viewer in suspense as well as the original did. A psychological game with the unsuspecting characters and viewers, with a shocking point. Here the climax is made more tense solely through genre techniques, is more action-oriented and even incorporates the current trend of strong female characters. Compared to the uncompromising, almost torturously cruel European film, however, Speak No Evil comes off as a more ordinary and more easily forgotten work. ***1/2 ()


Kuvagalleria (25)