
In the mystical land of Izmer, a class of Mages rule by means of magic and otherworldly powers. One Mage, Profion (Jeremy Irons), wants to rule the land by himself and hopes to topple the young and inexperienced Empress Savina (Thora Birch) by acquiring her mystical scepter--the key to controlling the Gold Dragons. To to counter Profion's plans, a young mage named Marina has to find the legendary Rod of Savrille--they key to controlling the Red Dragons. Marina teams up with a rowdy dwarf, an elf, and a pair of thieves named Ridley (Justin Whalin) and Snails (Marlon Wayans). But even with the help of this team, Marina's path to the Rod of Savrille is a rocky one laden with booby traps, puzzles, and Damodar--Profion's henchman, who threatens death at every turn. Nonetheless, the Empress and her followers are determined to face the odds to prevent the evil Profion from triumphing. (jakelijan virallinen teksti)


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suomi Taidan olla vähän erilainen, mutta tykkäsin tästä ihan oikeasti, vaikka se tuntuikin jokseenkin halvalta, tai ehkä se olikin vain vaikutelma... Elokuva on kyllä saattanut saada niin huonot arvostelut siksi, että se oli yksi ensimmäisistä elokuvakokeiluista fantasiavillityksen alkaessa, mutta sen jälkeen on tehty niin valtava määrä fantasiakammotuksia, että niiden jokossa Dungeons & Dragons tuntuu kassamagneetilta. ()

Lima BOO!

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englanti Things must be going downhill with Jeremy Irons for him to accept a role in such crap. And on top of that, he overacts so awfully it almost made me feel sick. A sad ending for a great star. And that dumb, overacting black guy, was even worse. ()