
Kulinyi, secretary at a theatre in Budapest, becomes the director of a provincial theatre, taking with him a talented married couple, Bálint Gábor and Papp Éva, a young actor and actress just starting their career. He soon finds himself fighting an uphill battle with a bunch of indifferent actors and actresses, all given to drinking, an audience with no taste for real artistic values, and also with creditors who want to see their untalented relatives on stage. Tired of frustration, all three return to Pest. Bálint Gábor asks Tőrös Ferenc, a successful actor, to let him play Tőrös's role just for one night, to prove himself as an actor. Tőrös initially seems willing to let Bálint have his way, but when Bálint acts out the crucial scene for him, he eventually changes his mind out of jelausy. Thanks to a little plot by Kulinyi and Éva, Tőrös is late for the performance, and the leading role is played by Gábor. His acting is a huge success. (jakelijan virallinen teksti)

