Tékjú - Season 9 (2017) (kausi)

The Sound of Music with Senpai (S09E12)

  • Japani Senpai to Sound of Music (lisää)
? %
Japani, 2017, 2 min


Shin Itagaki


ルーツ (sarjakuva)


Shin Itagaki

Suoratoistopalvelut (1)


In this episode the girls have come to the Prakamiya Family (short for "property of the Takamiya Family") Botanical Garden. As you'd expect from a botanical garden owned by the Takamiya Family, it's filled with strange plants, the likes of which they've never seen, that offer plenty of opportunity for jokes. But this is the final episode, so they'll do their best to wrap things up neatly. (Crunchyroll)
