Suoratoistopalvelut (1)


An intelligence operative for a shadowy global peacekeeping agency races to stop a hacker from stealing its most valuable — and dangerous — weapon. (Netflix)

Arvostelut (2)



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Somehow I don't understand why Netflix tries so hard to compete with big blockbusters when they don’t have the budget and probably not even enough capable directors. Why? Why not keep a low profile and tell the story of a secret agent from a different perspective, make it more intimate, with a more interesting plot? This film has the makings of that, but unfortunately it doesn't get rid of the blockbuster aspirations, resulting in a (traditionally) overlong compromise that didn't offend me, but didn't particularly impress me either, and where Gal Gadot plays exactly like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Seriously, I had that feeling at some point, and couldn’t get rid of it until the closing credits. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti A highly feminist endeavor where all women are at an intellectual and physical mega-level and have no problem hacking an intergalactic station on their way home from work in public transportation, all while defying all laws of physics by jumping six miles above sea level. It's an incredible absurdity that would be at least partially palatable if it were part of the superhero fantasy genre. But it's not. ()