Prashant Nair

Prashant Nair


Prashant Nair (Chandigarh, India) is a director, screenwriter and producer. He was born to Malayali parents and grew up in Europe, Asia and Africa. Before settling as a filmmaker in Mumbai he worked in Paris, Prague, Berlin and New York. He took a course in directing and editing at NYU which gave him essential grounding and experience, yet he states he was most influenced by the many countries he visited and their various cultures, and by the making of his first film. He began with the short romantic comedy Max & Helena (2009), which was followed by the critically acclaimed feature Delhi in a Day (2011) where, through the eyes of a young Brit, we witness the changes major economic growth has brought India over the last two decades. Nair enjoys introducing humour to weighty themes, which also applies to Umrika, winner of the Audience Award at Sundance in 2015.

50. MFF Karlovy Vary




Tryst With Destiny




Delhi in a Day

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