Mukhitdin Mukhammadiyev

Mukhitdin Mukhammadiyev

s. 29.03.1959 (65 vuotta)
Dušanbe, Tádžikistán, Neuvostoliitto


Mumin Shakirov (Dushanbe, Tajik SSR, USSR) graduated from VGIK (class of Igor Talankin, 1990). His first feature film All Quiet in Baghdad was released in 1992. In the early 1990's when the Russian film industry was engulfed in a deep economic crisis following the break-up of the USSR, Mumin changed his career path and followed journalism. He started working as an investigative journalist at the weekly newspaper Literaturnaya Gazeta. In 2004 Mumin Shakirov together with his friend Zygmunt Dzieciolowski directed a documentary Contest about a beauty contest at a women's prison in Novosibirsk. In 2004 Mumin Shakirow and Zygmunt Dzieciolowski embarked on their second joint project to direct The Leader's Image. For the last few years he has been hosting a weekly Sunday radio broadcast "Formula Kino" (Film Formula) where he interviews well-known Russian film directors, producers and actors. His articles have been published in various newspapers and magazines in Russia and abroad. Mumin also authored a book on drug smuggling in Russia and other former Soviet republics.

Moscow International Film Festival

