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Arvostelut (573)


Upgrade (2018) 

englanti Grey's wife was just killed by a group of thugs and he ended up in a wheelchair. But his days aren't over, thanks to an experimental chip and artificial intelligence, he's started walking again and can get his revenge, and the computer in his body is willing to help him do it. Upgrade is an action-packed B-movie that's surprisingly smarter than it looks at first glance. Plus, it has some great uncompromising and brutal action, so it's fun to watch. It's just a shame there wasn't someone more capable and charismatic in the lead role. But it's still very much above average in its genre.


The Spy Who Dumped Me (2018) 

englanti Mila Kunis and Kate McKinnon as two ordinary girls caught up in a spy war. There's plenty of surprisingly solid action, but there's also a lot of humour that doesn't quite click as well as it should. Kate McKinnon tries to steal the film for herself, unfortunately teetering on the edge of awkwardness quite often. With a shorter running time and a more cohesive cast, this could have been a fine comedy. As it is, it's just mediocre.


The Equalizer 2 (2018) 

englanti Denzel Washington brings exactly what you'd expect from a movie with Equalizer 2. Still the same well-acted and interesting hero, tough guy action and a slightly simpler script. But the main story doesn't drag as much as last time and even the villain is weaker, but it's still enough for an above average old-school thriller.


Megalodon (2018) 

englanti Jason Statham attempts to stop a giant prehistoric shark that scientists say should be long extinct but is still alive. And it's hungry. The Meg is an thoroughbred action B-movie, pulled forward by an excellent Statham and a big budget that Jon Turteltaub does some pretty wild things with. It's a shame, then, that by the end they softened up and the megalodon rampage has to do without blood. But it's still pretty entertaining crap.


The Darkest Minds (2018) 

englanti After the attack of a strange disease, most children died. Those that survived have superhuman powers and people are afraid of them, so they keep them locked up. Ruby manages to escape and, along with three other characters, searches for a mysterious place where dozens of other teenagers like them are supposedly hiding... The Darkest Minds is trite young adult science fiction that is mediocre at best in its strongest moments. Mostly, though, it's rather bland, uninterestingly acted, and stupid to the point of being painful. Avoid it.


Mission: Impossible - Fallout (2018) 

englanti I totally appreciate the craftsmanship, the totally awesome Tom Cruise, the great action scenes and pacing. I'd be bullshitting if I said I was bored, but at the same time I felt all along that most of those things were done a little better by the previous film. Whether it was the chases, the work with the bad guy (it's all too transparent here) or the sort of embellishment that makes a great scene stand out (I missed the opera this time). It's great, but not as great as last time, and I really can't imagine that if I had to choose which of the last two M:I episodes to watch now, I'd reach for the sixth one. Not to sound overly disappointed, but it's like choosing between The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises. I'd give Ledger the edge, but if I can't find him, Hardy certainly won't offend me. It's just... it was just a little more interesting last time. In every way.


Ihmeperhe 2 (2018) 

englanti The first one is better. I guess I didn't expect the second one to surpass it, but it's still one of the most entertaining Pixar movies of the last few years and definitely the best sequel. Brad Bird serves up some truly monumental action sequences, and there's no shortage of them. They can be breathtaking and spectacular when the fate of an entire town is at stake, and playfully entertaining and funny when Jack-Jack gets in on the action. Moreover, the script gives plenty of room for both Elastika's heroic antics and Mr. Incredible and his struggle with fatherly duties, and together, it's a great complement. Again, this is an excellent family action flick that doesn't try to go to great lengths to appeal to kid audiences. So it's a bit of a bummer that the plot itself is unnecessarily predictable and unsurprising, but not so much that it spoils the experience. Pixar has done a good job.


Thor: Ragnarök (2017) 

englanti I didn’t have that much fun. Like Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, the third Thor wants to be a very family friendly film, so it crams in a bunch of characters that are completely useless, but every viewer gets a chance to pick their favourite. It mixes in humor, because is needed, and visually and musically, it references the 1980s because that was a cool era. Or something like that. Well, again, it all works only halfway. Taika Waititi and Chris Hemsworth, who is good at comedic acting, push the humour forward so much that the film grinds along like an adventure flick. So while there are some truly spectacular things happening on screen and the story has the potential to be epic, with scenes that send chills down the spine, overall it's more of a comic book sitcom. There's so much comedy and over-the-top characters that when it comes to the real fight for life and the fate of Asgard, it doesn't work. The banter and buddy chemistry with the Hulk are fine. But when everything else doesn't work because of it, and the fight with the goddess of death has about as much emotional impact as waiting in line at the post office, I see that as a problem. I'm not saying I didn't have fun, but I really probably won't watch it again in the years to come. Maybe I wouldn't mind if Marvel started having a bit more ambition than just making "big, successful, and pretty cool" movies.


Kingsman: Kultainen kehä (2017) 

englanti I like the first Kingsman, I like Matthew Vaughn, I like movies that aren't afraid to go their own way and have fun with an extremely violent scene in which Colin Firth dispatches a church full of religious fanatics. The director of this action flick hasn't given me any reason to doubt his abilities so far, so I was looking forward to the second installment, but alas, this time Vaughn stumbled. Or rather, it looks like he doesn't care where he steps. The Golden Circle is almost two and a half hours long, has about three action set-pieces (one great, one decent, and one pointless), but completely disappoints in its handling of the new characters. The Statesmen don't impress much, the main villain and her devious plan are quite a sad sight to behold, and it all lacks the lightness, wit and quirkiness of the first film. This one managed to be cool and engaging in every other scene. It's awful to see them trying to do the same thing this time around, and it rarely works. Otherwise, it's mostly talk, everyone is serious, and as the minutes go by it becomes more and more clear that this sequel doesn't really have much to offer. Just Vaughn's lucid action, a good Taron Egerton and an excellent Firth. You know that feeling when you have to make tea out of a used bag? That's it. It's still got some flavour, but it was better in every way last time. And if you had to make it a third time, you might want to give it a miss...


American Made (2017) 

englanti Barry Seal is Tom Cruise's one man show. Totally. Actually, there's nothing here but Tom Cruise in a role that was tailor-made for him. As a likeable bastard who can work for three deadly organizations at the same time and still make a damn good living at it, he's downright brilliant. His Barry is an amoral bastard, but with such enormous charm that you'll be rooting for him even as he muddies the waters with Colombian cartel bosses, delivers weapons to Central American paramilitary organizations, and buries his money in suitcases in the backyard. Barry has style, and thanks to Doug Liman and his brisk direction, his adventures are quite watchable. And it's only at the end that you realise that it's actually playing it too safe, that Barry's sort of getting away with everything, lacking a significant antagonist, conflict or even problem, and that it's not actually very interesting. Cruise fans will probably enjoy it to the max, others will be treated to a stylish, broadly entertaining but more or less pointless film.