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Arvostelut (1 970)


Barbie (2023) 

englanti I didn't fall for it. At its very core, Barbie is as shallow and superficial as what it mocks all along. I can totally see the brainstorming sessions between the Mattel and Warner Brothers executives, in roundtables similar to the one Will Ferrell had in the film: "Hey, we need to boost the sales of our rubber dolls, how about we make some seemingly socially critical pulp fiction, wrap it in basic lessons about the workings of the patriarchy and the status of women in society, and just take a little dig at our corporation on the side to make it look self-aware to the naysayers of our product line.... ". Well, what comes out of a corporation making fun of corporatist? Yes, just corporate toothless humor, created on commission, and made to answer to those at the top who pay for it. PS: I'll slap two stars, for the opening (really funny) reminiscence of A Space Odyssey and then for the brief scene where Margot tells a naturally aged woman that she's beautiful. That's what the Botox princesses, led by Nicole Kidman, should be playing in a loop to light up their barbie heads.


Robowar (1988) BOO!

englanti The Italians were a lot of fun in the '80s. As far as "originality of authorship" goes, they rode the same wave that studio Asylum have been doing for the last two decades: they picked up on a film trend, probed its most prominent representative, and quickly made a shameless ripoff, and to make it look good on store shelves (and in its day on VHS rental shelves), they changed the title slightly, but in a way that was still familiar to the viewer. So while today the Asylum guys are churning out treats like Transmorphers, Atlantic Rim, etc., some of the most prominent 80s trash masters, Bruno Mattei and Claudio Fragasso, worked in tandem to concoct this total rip-off of Predator. Here, they copy the characters (the leader, the Indian/Latino with hunting instincts, the tough black guy, the intellectual, the fighter with no pain), the scenes (the attack on the mercenary settlement) and their succession, even the camera shots and the actors' perspectives at precise angles. Only the tension-filled final half-hour of John McTiernan's film, when Arnold wordlessly sets traps for the predator as in the days of the Neanderthals, was omitted, and instead a female element was inserted, a silly motif of a supposedly deceased comrade from the war, his transformation into a super robot, his later epiphany, and a plea to the Italian Arnold of Wish to send him out of the world forever. You can take this as a spoiler and it won't hurt anything, because I don't believe anyone can take this cockeyed approach to making movies seriously and be interested in what's happening on the screen. And more than anywhere else, the saying "When two people do the same thing, it's not always the same thing" is true. These are two completely different universes - the legendary one, with top action and full of invention, and then the Italian one, where a bunch of nobodies run around in the woods and play soldiers, with a production design like a second-rate TV studio. Actually, not even that.


Godzilla -1.0 (2023) 

englanti Gojira as a serious war drama? Yes, a return to the classic roots of the first two episodes. It's a terrible shame that most people associate the brand with Hollywood's Monsterverse, or that goofy Emmerich flick with Jean Reno that had nothing to do with Godzilla. They have no idea about the Godzilla phenomenon in the country of its origin, Japan, where TOHO has made a total of 29 feature films starring the overgrown lizard across six decades. Sure, the SHOWA era in the 50s and 60s in particular was very cringe, with Godzilla facing aliens and a monkey and making friends with a little Japanese boy. But this latest installment, essentially an homage, is a return to the rawness of the first two films from 1954 and 1955. Gojira is no pet this time, but a fierce creature happy to bite people in half and throw trains through the air. I was surprised by the screenwriting focus on human characters. Basically the entire first half doesn't leave the setting of the slums on the outskirts of Tokyo, dealing with a sort of small family micro-story, with a momentary detour to the sea, where the mines left behind are being fished out at the cost of their lives, only to have Godzilla start destroying the city after an hour or so, with a familiar musical theme from the TOHO films that brought a smile to my face. There are four action sequences in the film with each one getting better and better. It's unbelievable that this film cost less than Jákl’s Jan Žižka, yet it has the parameters of a big budget film, and by alternating the closed micro environments of one room with lavish CGI scenes, it very cleverly masks its budgetary constraints. Also, fans of the franchise will find references to old standbys, with Gojira's luminous shell playing a major role in this regard. There's also a noticeable sense of the lingering post-war and Hiroshima trauma of the Japanese in the film, just as you'd sense in the old films. It's a great homage, and if it is a reboot, I love it to.


The Creator (2023) 

englanti I would never cast young Washington in a leading role again, his acting bad (and I'm taking off one star for that). Otherwise I found this film terribly rich, both visually and emotionally. Gareth Edwards takes us through several locations with a succession of gorgeous images, whether it's a city with dozens of glowing neon signs like in Blade Runner, an Asian landscape where ancient Buddhist culture clashes interestingly with modern sci-fi elements, or the Nomad super spacecraft that Kosinski seems to have invented for Oblivion. I was especially impressed with Asia and how thoughtfully and seamlessly the modern architecture builds on the old buildings, creating such an interesting contrast, and the viewer immersion is incredible. I'm not a fan of AI, but I still didn't mind that Edwards relativizes it and actually puts it in the position of a positive element, just like Blade Runner did 40 years ago, the story thus gets a charge that kept my attention throughout and the few logical lapses didn't ruin it for me. Unfortunately, Edwards is a misunderstood filmmaker. Whether it is with Godzilla, which was a clever homage to the TOHO's films, or here, with the heavy-duty sci-fi that isn't being made much these days. I can only be comforted by the fact that Blade Runner was also critically panned and rejected by audiences in its day, so .... maybe it'll come out in a few decades too, Gareth.


Gran Turismo (2023) 

englanti Considering that this at its core it is a long, slightly intrusive commercial for a Sony product, it's very good. Although it didn't cost much, it manages to disguise itself thanks to Blomkamp's skill and looks like a substantial piece. The racing scenes have verve, they have fantastic sound design, and the editor gives a superhuman performance during them. The scenes that don't involve racing also manage to grab you by the heart thanks to the acting. Leaving aside Orlando Bloom, who looks like the witch from Hansel and Gretel with that impossible haircut and scowling expression, you can believe the former Spice Girl Geri Halliwell and her maternal feelings (very unexpected casting), Hounsou is fine and his tearful reaction when meeting his son is a very nice scene. Harbour makes a poem out of his mentor role (and I like his old-school penchant for walkmans and Black Sabbath), but I’m especially surprised by the unknown Archie Madekwe, the boy does a great job. I wouldn't have expected to be so invested in a gamer story, but it happened. Blomkamp is like a magician who can pull golden rabbits out of a hat for little money. PS: I was looking forward to seeing the basic idea of the film "video game gamer turned professional racer" being fucked up as nonsensical, only to have the final photo collage slap me in the face and knock my jaw off. I really had no idea.


Kolme muskettisoturia: D'Artagnan (2023) 

englanti In the future, on a repeat, I'll always prefer Lester's Musketeers anyway, because it has enough juicy popcorn to feed all of Nigeria, it doesn't skimp on the humour (which is almost absent in this French version) and the vivacious Michael York is like the finest wine as D'Artagnan. On the other hand, I like this French unpolished concept. Especially the magnificent production design! Muddy, unpaved, sandy streets, men sweaty and dirty (and with yellow teeth ), when, as we know, hygiene was a priority in the 17th century, even among the high classes, and the camera with muted colours adds a lot to that realistic impression. And what can we say, cherchez la femme Eva Green is after all a sexier milady than Faye Dunaway. So actually, when I sum up the comparison, I come out with a tie, and that's not a bad mark at all.


Tappaja (2023) 

englanti Perhaps Fincher's most meditative film to date, the music calmly throbs throughout, like Fassbender's assassin at the beginning, patiently waiting for his shot, mindful of his heartbeat and, like almost the entire film, going nowhere, repeating to himself with obsessive care, "Stick to the plan.... don't improvise." And that's exactly what Fincher does, thoughtfully, with the precision of a Swiss watchmaker, layering one carefully composed scene after another, and seemingly, unwittingly, imprinting himself on Fassbender's character as well. Early on, after a botched murder, the man in question thinks "Fuck, this is the first time" and I could see Fincher having similar thoughts flying through his head after the mixed reception of Mank. And it's as if they were both chasing perfection, where failure is unforgivable. Something was missing in the rating and Fincher was not to blame. Perhaps I was expecting something more thought-provoking from Walker's script (8MM remains unbeaten), perhaps a better ending and not the shallow point at the end, including the few idyllic shots that are really flat. Anyway, precise Fincher ..... precise Fincher is back!, just the way we like it. Only that Andrew K. Walker guy picked a weaker moment.


Nunna II (2023) 

englanti A tad better than the first one. It's beautiful to look at, the production design is more than decent, it has some great ideas (the turning pages of the magazines). Unfortunately, Chaves can't give any juice to the horror moments, they are pretty routine and with rare exceptions, even the scares don't work. But it didn't offend me with its stupidity like the previous one, though the tense final 20 minutes were pretty much on the verge of tipping into generic silliness. Vera Farmiga's sister is fun to watch, she has such an innocent fragility in her face, you can't act it, you have to have it in you, and she can act too.


Les Créatures (1966) 

englanti A return to the days when I admired the natural acting style of Michel Piccoli and the beauty of Catherine Deneuve, unfortunately, in a controversial film. I was distracted by he chaotic editing, several nonsensical theatrical scenes and the music that overuses dragging strings, creating unpleasant discord. The highlight is a pair of bed sheet salesmen whose arrival on the scene looks like self-parody, and one of them, annoying to the max, behaves incomprehensibly like an overgrown child. In the last half hour, it degenerates into a bizarro, with the director chaotically pasting illogical scenes on top of each other. Denevue plays second fiddle here, her role commands her not to speak and to communicate only by writing on a blackboard, with no plot justification, which is odd. All in all, it manages to be surprising, and I'm still closer to this work than the current banalities, but I wouldn't hesitate to call it an arthouse wank. Agnés Varda is probably not my cup of tea.


Le Lac des morts vivants (1981) 

englanti European trash in its purest form. In the beginning, you'll be treated to unconcealed nudity, only to have zombie Nazis regularly crawling out of a lake, probing the surroundings with their claws and murdering women by sucking their blood. For a while, Jean Rollin flashbacks back to World War II and tries to do some serious mythology development, only to have lots of nudity and a bunch of zombies dumping screaming women into the lake again. There isn't even a shortage of feelies, what with the zombie dad visiting his daughter every time he comes out of the water, petting her and giving her presents. I felt bad for the little girl. She was the only one who was acting conscientiously, and she didn't fit into that world of adult perverts. Rollin even attempted some more ambitious with her character, and overall I got the impression that he took everything on camera at first glance and was completely resigned to what would come out of it. There are tears at the end, but I couldn't help being moved myself.