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Arvostelut (7 539)


Community - Documentary Filmmaking: Redux (2011) (jakso) 

englanti At the beginning, this episode didn't really grab me because Abed had already dabbled in documentaries before, and it felt like the creators could use some fresh ideas. However, as the plot unfolded, the episode began to entertain me. Let's be clear; the script and execution weren't mind-blowing, but I still found some humor that made me laugh, and I didn't feel bored or annoyed. / Lesson learned: It was the last straw that broke the camel's back.


Community - Studies in Modern Movement (2011) (jakso) 

englanti Oh man, what a load of nonsense. It was so absurd that I couldn't help but burst out laughing. The creators once again entertained me in a way that made me throw my stars like an experienced ninja. Every key character had their moment, and they all made the most of it. But the real star was the humor. And now, if you will, a moment of silence for Horsebot 3000. Thank you. / Lesson learned: Don't drink Jesus' blood; he might want to drink yours.


Rambo - taistelija (1982) 

englanti Today's rewatch wasn't my first, of course, but I felt it was time to jot down my thoughts on the movie. Well, I have to admit that the film still resonates with me after all these years. It's got well-executed action, suspense, and that gloomy atmosphere. However, now that I'm not twelve anymore, I couldn't overlook what was, and I think still is, its main message. When a country sends its soldiers into a war conflict that ends in defeat, these soldiers become, in a way, unwanted upon their return, serving as a reminder of that loss. The United States essentially cast aside the Vietnamese veterans, and I'm not just talking about the politicians. Many of these guys were sent to a place they didn't want to be, to do things they didn't want to do, and upon their return (if they returned), they often believed that human life, including their own, had little value. Instead of help, they found everyone turning their backs on them. This movie highlighted that stark reality. / Lesson learned: When someone points "the pig" at you, it may not be as funny as it sounds.


Severance - The You You Are (2022) (jakso) 

englanti In my previous review, I mentioned how I don't get bored during those long walks in the maze of corridors, and the fourth episode only solidified that notion. It feels like the series is pushing even greater demands on my heavily tested and already worn-out brain cells. I took a glance in the mirror to make sure smoke wasn't coming out of my head yet. It seems that critical overheating of the circuits isn't happening just yet, so hopefully, I can handle it. If things get tough, I guess I can always perform a self-trepanation with an electric drill, right? I had a blast. There was food for thought. The acting performances were stellar, the oppressive atmosphere turned into a horror-filled one, and I just hope the security guard has good reflexes because I wouldn't want to lose my favorite character. / Lesson learned: Don't mess with your innie.


Community - Advanced Gay (2011) (jakso) 

englanti This is the second episode in the season which doesn't seem to fit into the series. It was only linked to the main story by the setting and some familiar characters, but in terms of the plot, it felt like a completely different direction. The upside to the whole situation is that I saw a similar development coming, so I don't feel much disappointment, and that's fine.


Community - Horror Fiction in Seven Spooky Steps (2011) (jakso) 

englanti Last time, the whole alternate timelines thing really got me hyped, and when I heard the fifth episode was going to be Halloween-themed, I was pumped like a kid in a candy store. Unfortunately, what I got wasn't the epic Halloween experience I was hoping for—it was more like a weird, half-hearted party with some spooky stories thrown in. Unlike the dice-rolling in the last episode, this one just didn't do it for me. Honestly, Dan dropped the ball on this one. / Lesson learned: Do you want to analyze your own psyche? There are probably less horrifying activities out there.


Community - Remedial Chaos Theory (2011) (jakso) 

englanti This episode blew me away. Six different timelines were a great idea; the series needed more of them and much earlier. When I think about it, the episodes I enjoyed the most were the paintball episode, the Halloween episode, and this one. Chang was missing, and to make up for it, humor wasn't. Win-win :-) / Lesson learned: Three timelines later, a butterfly flaps its wings and you're dead.


Miss FBI - aseistettu ja ihana (2005) 

englanti Surprisingly, I enjoyed Miss Congeniality (2000) because it delivered some solid humor despite its straightforward and predictable plot. While not a groundbreaking film, it kept me entertained and even got a few laughs out of me. Now, fast forward to the sequel, clearly made to capitalize on the success of the first one, and unfortunately, all the good vibes I had were flushed down the drain. A major red flag for the sequel was the absence of the original cast, signaling a potential dip in quality. True to expectations, the story, which kicked off with some action in the beginning, quickly devolved into a heap of clichés. If the first movie could be described as a comedy that appealed to women but also had something for the guys, this one lacked that extra spice for me. I did crack a smile here and there, but overall, I found myself a tad bored. The plot lost any semblance of logic, and it just didn't click with me anymore. It was nowhere near as amusing as the first movie. / Lesson learned: What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.


Severance - In Perpetuity (2022) (jakso) 

englanti Initially, the pilot episode left me somewhat uncertain, but by the second episode, I was satisfied, and the third one didn't disappoint either. One thing I'm certain about is that this series isn't for the paranoid — it's a surefire way to mess with your head. You can see the series evolving gradually. Even the seemingly mundane walks through the corridors turned out to be surprisingly insightful. Boredom wasn't a concern for me, and the atmosphere, which I praised before, somehow became even more grim this time around. / Lesson learned: Don't swallow indigestible objects.


Community - Competitive Ecology (2011) (jakso) 

englanti Honestly, I was tempted to slap a big fat zero on this episode at first because it felt like a square peg in the round hole of the series' overall vibe. Eventually, I settled for a reluctant one-star rating, mainly because Todd's character brought some entertainment to the table. However, the rest of the episode let me down, and Chang's film noir was just way off the mark. / Lesson learned: Don't set turtles on fire.