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Jókoso džicurjoku šidžó šugi no kjóšicu e - Season 1 (2017) (kausi) 

englanti This is a very well-produced drama regarding both the atmosphere and narrative, plus it has well-developed characters. Aside from one minor reference that is rather dull and smacks of too much fan service (in the form of one rather feeble episode), it creates a decent thoughtful atmosphere, which is interesting for someone like me. I have to say that the characters are the best thing about this show. I have not seen characters this interesting in a long time, and finding out more about the main male protagonist is more intriguing to me than, say, the mystery of what is hidden in Eren Yeager's basement. I find Ayanokouji an incredibly likable character in general. It seems like it has been an awfully long time since I have looked up to a male anime protagonist with such interest, fascination, and quiet admiration. Well, if I also mention the collection of attractive girls and women, where the female teacher of Class D is just as engaging as the main male protagonist (and I thought she was pretty hot too). The other ladies also teased my intellect, so in that respect, this production gets a full 10/10 for its characters. As far as the narrative and atmosphere are concerned, the narrative unfolds slowly and is sometimes surprising. At other times it only lightly hints at some of its trump cards; however, the anime’s authors always create a real climax in each episode that works out well. This means that every conclusion of any episode is suitably dramatic and again makes the viewer hungry for more. Plus, the very ending (of what I hope is the first season) created an incredible appetite for future episodes and reaffirmed how much I enjoy and care about the main male protagonist. So, in a rush of euphoria from the last episode, I am going to raise the overall rating to the maximum and start hoping that more episodes will be forthcoming and that all the mystery, logic, and deliberation are not going to disappear from this anime series in the future. 9/10.


Urawa no Usagi-čan - Season 1 (2015) (kausi) 

englanti Urawa no Usagi-chan is an original anime TV series aimed to promote Urawa in Saitama Prefecture, Japan. It features some ordinary tales about the high school days of eight extraordinary girls. I thought it was a simple and peaceful if slightly crazy slice-of-life anime series in places where nothing much happens. The running time of each episode also makes it impossible to get really into it as an immersive experience because before I could feel charmed by it, it was over. However, it is an adorable show, and it made me laugh a bit, so I am going to award this show two stars because even though it is quite enjoyable to watch, it did not do much for me.


Shadows House - Season 1 (2021) (kausi) 

englanti Shadows House is a very interesting and original anime series. I like the world it is set in, the mystery around all the shadows and the whole Victorian mansion thing. The story has a lot of hidden parallels to the break-down of society, the pains of growing up, and I for one believe that there is a point as to why everything revolves around the soot which the masters emit, and why the show is set in the nineteenth century, also known as the century of steam-power. The characters are likable, diverse, and relatable. Emillico and Kate are a likable pair of quite contrasting characters that I had no problem rooting for. I also appreciated the gradual revelation of how the house works, and more information about the Living Doll partners. In other words, I was definitely intrigued, and want to know and see more of this wonderful world. I cannot say that I am nervously anticipating the next episode, however, I shall always be happy to immediately put a new episode on when it comes out. 7.5/10


Made in Abyss - Season 1 (2017) (kausi) 

englanti In the beginning, this show really looks like it is just going to be a pleasant and exciting journey for some young people in search of adventure. From the first few episodes, it has the right atmosphere, where you feel like going on that journey with the main protagonists into the heart of the mystery, and you can also feel a desire to explore the unknown. In other words, I was reminded of all the good things about Jules Verne's Journey to the Center of the Earth. That means that it had all the mystery, a rich and wonderful world, just something that every adventure-seeking person would like to experience. It is all aided by the great animation, which is charming, colorful, sophisticated, and detailed. All of the mysterious creatures also helped, which reminded me once again that I used to want to be a biologist. In other words, it is a beautiful journey and an adventure through picturesque landscapes, even though at the same time it is more than that. From the moment Ozen (a very charismatic and attractive lady) appeared and warned us all accordingly, even the slow-to-understand among us (I mean me) felt that this was not going to be a typically merry journey through an unspoiled perfect world. I realized we were not going to be skipping through the meadows holding hands with Elmo and kissing Barney's ass. The ominous signs were there before, although I guess nothing could have prepared me for reality and the tenth episode. That was indeed an intense experience; I literally felt their pain, with chills running down my spine while I could not take my eyes off the screen. When the episode ended, I realized that I had had a very intense experience, and I felt the whole anime series had suddenly gotten really good. The contrast was delightful! I had to increase my rating immediately and I was looking forward to what was to come next. The anime's producers delivered another great show that gave me a powerful experience. The last episode was amazing, the emotions running high were palpable. In a few moments, they alternated between bittersweet and positive pleasant feelings which I found moving. So I have to say that the atmosphere of this show is excellent all throughout the season, so it does not get boring and is not dulled by the constant intensity. I am definitely convinced that I have watched something quite impressive (as my colleague said in their review), and I want to see and know more. I have my own ideas about what is at the center of the abyss and why it is called Made in Abyss, and I cannot wait to see if I have even come close with any of my theories. I also fell in love with the character Nanachi. I found this show intriguing, fascinating, and tense as hell - just great. Highly recommended. 9.7/10.


Estab-Life: Great Escape (2022) (sarja) 

englanti Estab-Life: Great Escape is a tricky anime series that few viewers will give a chance. However, if you decide to really give it a try and apply the three-episode rule to it, then chances are you will get hooked and enjoy it a lot. This is not just my opinion, but a statement backed up by statistics from MAL, where this anime series has a weak rating of 5.86/10 at the moment, although if you look at the user reviews, there are four, and they all give the series an 8/10. The first and absolutely obvious reason why this anime series has such a low overall rating on some databases, and so few people have tried it (and not lasted more than one episode) is the animation. There is heavy use of CGI (especially the characters) and many, including myself, do not like that. Of course, there is a difference between bad CGI, passable CGI, and good CGI, and the more anime series you have seen where this type of animation is used, the quicker you can tell which is which. Estab-Life: Great Escape was made by Polygon Pictures, a studio with quite a bit of experience in this field. While they are far from the best studio working with CGI and 3D animation (which by general consensus is probably Orange animation studio), in my opinion, they have gotten to the point where what they produce is tolerable even for the average consumer who is not a fan of CGI. And that is exactly why I would describe the animation here as tolerable. Unfortunately, many cannot see it that way, so they quit this anime series after one episode with a low rating. Plus, it is quite a shame that the anime's creators only really take advantage of this animation style once in the first episode, when they use the "bullet time" effect which looks pretty cool. Anyway, the biggest draws of the anime series, the things that make it well-executed and, in my opinion, a great experience, are the interesting setting, the well-thought-out screenplay concept of each episode, and the rather likable trio of the main female characters. On the other hand, I have one criticism about the main characters right away because this anime series failed to use two of the five main characters. So even now, I feel that the wolf and the robot were criminally underused, and at the same time, it is a real shame because they are the most visually interesting characters who could have offered so much more. In contrast, the main trio was given just enough screen time. Each had at least one episode dedicated to them, developing their characters, and there were even episodes focused purely on their relationships. In addition, the episodes that were dedicated to the characters worked well. This was because, for example, they managed to make me like even Martes, who at first I thought was just another pink-haired annoying character with an obsession with her "senpai." She reminded me of Momo from The Executioner and Her Way of Life, who managed to ruin my impression of that whole anime series completely. That brings me to the most important thing I enjoyed about this anime series in a roundabout way I guess, how well the episodes are written. For some viewers, it may all seem confusing, crazy, and chaotic (and they may also leave after just a few episodes, leaving a low rating). However, over time, you will find that each episode has an important idea giving the viewer a lot to think about, just as the whole anime series has its own main and important theme that ties all episodes together. The anime's creators even help you by practically throwing the most important thing you should be thinking about into the very title of each episode. The screenplay really benefits from a great setting that gives it plenty of opportunities to work with the various narratives. There is a myriad of clusters with their own rules and laws. You cannot move between them, so each inhabitant has a predetermined role that implies many restrictions. That is why it makes sense that some of the inhabitants get tired of this, so they decide to run away, and that is where our protagonists come in. Almost all the episodes are basically about that, and I accept that it may seem repetitive to some, although it is just the foundation on which much more is packed. The anime’s creators have a lot of fun playing around with various important themes that permeate this show. While it may seem like they took three seemingly unrelated concepts and somehow connected them (like freedom, underwear, and goddess in episode five) into a basic structure, the way it all connects and gets to the point of the episodes is simply brilliant. The first time I understood everything the anime's creators wanted to convey was in the third episode, which I found so bizarre that I really thought about it. And sometimes you have to engage your brain and imagination because, for example, an aquarium can have meaning to the plot as a setting and as a symbol or a metaphor if you like. In addition, when you understand its meaning and how it relates to another important theme of the episode, you suddenly understand why the title of most episodes is "You can't escape...". The funny thing is that you first think it is nonsense because the characters can escape, although then you think about everything and realize that all is not really as it seems. Plus, if you understand the modus operandi of the screenwriting in just one episode, you can suddenly apply it to the other episodes, and then each one starts to surprise you, entertains you, and makes you think. On the other hand, one criticism is that the pattern is almost the same in all the episodes, as there is a common basis to each story. However, the execution and the endings make it really worth it. Plus, thanks to the aforementioned time the anime's creators spend building the personal stories of the three main characters into all of this, humanizing each of them a little bit, you are going to start to like this group, and so the more emotional parts towards the end start to work, and you really enjoy the whole thing. Estab-life: Great Escape is a very good, cleverly written, funny, and cute anime series with a few shortcomings, even though they could not stop me from awarding it 8/10.


The Cuphead Show! - Season 1 (2022) (kausi) 

englanti I have played Cuphead twice at a friend's house, and it is such a good, fun game with some charming retro visuals that you can mostly enjoy, although sometimes you feel like punching your teammate, and other times you want to throw the controller in the corner and never turn it on again. Well, Netflix has successfully captured the quirky and charming setting, the lovable, wacky, and interesting characters, and spiced it up with some rather interesting and sometimes funny storylines. I also appreciate the stylization of the opening and closing credits. It was properly wacky at times, mostly quite imaginative and quite original, and if you know the game, you will be right at home here. My favorite character is probably the Devil, I really enjoyed the episodes with him. What was a bit disappointing was that the episodes are quite short. Before I could relax and get into it, I had to get up again to turn on the next episode. However, as an enjoyable, entertaining show you will watch just once, it works quite well, and some of the scenes and characters' lines were great. 8/10.


The Owl House - Season 2 (2021) (kausi) 

englanti On the one hand, I am thrilled about everything in the second season. However, on the other hand, I am still a bit disappointed that this TV series did not get more running time by Disney, as it was already very frantic and sometimes a bit rushed. However, as was said in one of the last episodes of this series, "We don't have another twenty episodes..." so it all just needed to be rushed, and a lot of the ideas from the show’s creator were probably left out. However, does the overall impression suffer in any way? In my opinion, not so much. After all, there was always something going on, each new episode brought new revelations and secrets, and I enjoyed the story as it was devised for the audience (there were no dead spots). Even the brisk pace of the plot was well managed. Everything seemed logical, the atmosphere was good, the magical world kept its wonderful charm, the characters could develop and progress naturally, and everything made sense. Likewise, the development of the relationships between the characters managed to feel believable and heartfelt. Nothing felt cut short. The only thing I am maybe a little disappointed in is the fact that the Collector did not get more screen time, so I now feel like I know next to nothing about him (perhaps it is my fault, and I have been watching it in the wrong way) so I have no idea how much (or why) I should be afraid of him. In truth, the whole conclusion suffers a bit from this, and I did not find it as thrilling and spectacular as, say, the second half of the third season of Amphibia, which ran concurrently with this TV series. However, it still had energy, and so I am still curious and excited for that final third season, even if it is only supposed to be three forty-minute episodes. Plus, because there was no stretch where it was kind of a drag for me, and also as a tribute to the screenwriters for how well they were able to tell the whole story up to this point and keep my interest in how it all ends, I am going to award the show five stars. 8.8/10


Gjokó no Nikuko-čan (2021) 

englanti More than half of this movie is a pure slice-of-life anime movie where we are introduced to the main characters and shown a little glimpse into their lives. Unfortunately, it is not very good or funny at all. It is not particularly interesting, and the biggest dramatic element seems as important as two little kids fighting it out in the playground. The lack of real drama means that I was rather bored and I could not see the point of the movie really. I even considered just turning it off as there was nothing to it. Fortunately, there was a major twist that I suppose I could have seen coming, which gave the movie some depth. In other words, this movie ended up making sense, and I do not regret watching it. I liked the main message it was trying to get across, and I could relate to the main characters (especially Nikuko). Anyway, I still have to consider the weak part of the movie, which was more than half of it, and therefore even if I wanted to, Nikuko and Kikuko would not get more than 5.5/10 from me.


Joru wa midžikaši aruke jo otome (2017) 

englanti I have had this movie on my list of anime shows I have wanted to see for at least seven years, certainly since I saw The Tatami Galaxy, and somehow I cannot explain why I did not watch it before. Today, Ride Your Wave by Japanese director Masaaki Yuasa came up because it was rated by one of my favorite reviewers, and so I started checking out his other work. Because of that, I stumbled across this movie which I felt could have been fate. At the very least, I came across a movie in an uncharacteristic round-about way (plus, I was planning to watch something else today, although the night is still young, so hopefully, I can manage that too). However, it does not matter because of the fun and original journey taken by the main female protagonist. Much has already been said, so I am just going to reiterate that this is a very good movie visually, and the narrative is full of great ideas. I enjoyed it as much as its special animation style. It may be very similar to the aforementioned The Tatami Galaxy. However, I saw that show a long time ago, so it did not bother me as much as it would have if I had seen this movie straight after finishing that anime series. This movie was a good trip, full of special encounters, good storylines, and a truly unique love story. There were characters and situations that I found myself in, even if everything was typically Japanese and over the top. It was often absurd in places, and my only major complaint is that I, too, have to mention that I found some bits to be unnecessarily drawn out, which spoiled the nice brisk pace a bit. However, it was still a great movie, certainly as good as The Tatami Galaxy. 8/10.


Kimi to, nami ni noretara (2019) 

englanti Ride Your Wave is a very good, emotionally powerful movie, albeit with a few shortcomings. I enjoyed the love story, drama, and the messages the movie wanted to get across. It is an emotionally intense movie that pays tribute to everyday heroism and those who choose to dedicate their lives to saving others. It is also a nice reflection of ordinary life and issues we all have to deal with. It reflects the fact we always have to keep going and somehow ride even the biggest wave that fate sends our way (and it also shows sometimes that it is not easy). The idea of fate permeates the entire narrative, sometimes in a good way, although other times quite predictably, and it is a bit silly. The biggest problem I had with the movie was that there were at least two moments (one at the beginning, one at the end) that were extremely predictable, the atmosphere and the pace of the narrative gave it away, and so the supposedly big plot twist was not at all surprising or had the impact intended. Similarly, one of the intended big twists you learn towards the end is deduced after about five minutes into the movie, and after another twenty, it is blatantly obvious. This predictability means that the big reveal is more of a little reassurance than a dramatic surprise to the attentive viewer. Unfortunately, there was also a moment when I wanted to smack my head against the wall because it was so stupid. SPOILER ALERT. In other words, how stupid do you have to be to decide not to call the police after you have followed a group planning something nefarious, as they lead you to the scene of the crime? Also, someone a tiny bit smarter explicitly urges you to call the police, and instead, you decide to film the people in question on your phone. END OF SPOILERS. I get why that part was there, to get the characters to a certain point important for the next phase of the plot. But even then, the fact that the character filmed it on their phone seemed really stupid. The standard of the animation also varied a lot. First of all, this is not a style I like very much; I thought that the concept of the character depictions especially was very strange. I felt that everyone here had necks that were too long or heads that were too small. In fact, they seemed to be all arms and legs (even though that is still much better and more bearable for the viewer than, say, the characters in the anime shows Welcome to the Ballroom and Dance Dance Danseur). However, this is probably just my problem because I am used to something different in an anime series, although others might consider it a nice, interesting, and distinctive style. Likewise, the colors felt kind of bland and not very good at some points, while it was beautifully strong and expressive at other times. However, it did not always fit what was happening on screen. In truth, there were scenes that were magical, illustrated in great detail, and suited the atmosphere beautifully, alternated with those that were probably not so important for the story. So they felt a bit artificial, strange, and sometimes empty (mostly when the camera was capturing some movement or was supposed to be a moving perspective itself - e.g., a shot from a moving car of a landscape, some surfing scenes and running around the city). The soundtrack was good, and I enjoyed the theme song. As for the characters, I could relate to them, which was probably the main reason I said this is an emotionally strong movie. In other words, I was able to start caring about them and felt like I was going through the story with them. To sum it up, Ride Your Wave is a slightly above-average movie. It has something to say and is worth seeing, but because it has its weaknesses, it did not work as well for me as I would have liked. 6.8/10.