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Arvostelut (1 697)


Mahócukai no jome - Season 2 (2023) (kausi) 

englanti What a pleasant surprise! After the initial season and subsequent OVA, I had nearly lost hope of reconnecting with this enchanting world, reminiscent of the magic I felt during the very first OVA episode. Yet, this series defied expectations in a way I deemed nearly impossible. It's astounding to think that to reignite my fascination with The Ancient Magus' Bride, all it took was the addition of a magical academy. But that's precisely what happened. What changed, you may ask? In the OVA series, I distinctly voiced my concerns about The Ancient Magus' Bride, noting how the authors fail to fully flesh out the world and construct a compelling narrative around it. Well, consider those concerns a thing of the past. The expansion and deepening of the world by introducing the magical academy worked wonders. Suddenly, the world gained newfound depth and dimension. No longer confined to a simple exploration of mythical creatures in the countryside, the story blossomed into a grander scale. It no longer revolved solely around a select few characters; instead, we were thrust into a vast magical realm where wizards attend a school , which is not just a lame imitation of Hogwarts like in Mashle, and has its own set of rules offering a captivating blend of the mundane and the mystical. This wider canvas introduced me to a plethora of new characters and storylines, branching out and converging in unexpected ways. Finally, I found myself fully engrossed, eagerly anticipating each new development. What's more, many of these storylines found satisfying resolutions, a testament to the series' adept handling of its characters. Well, maybe with Philomela it was also influenced by the fact that I had in mind the story of Chise and I saw various small parallels thanks to which I was able to feel sorry for the first one and admire the second one. It turns out that even that empty first season might not have been completely empty for me. An excellent story with a satisfying ending, the magical world is finally truly magical, but also deep and engaging, and I want to know more not only about its creatures but also about all the people who are in it. And while the change in studio did become apparent (I never noticed such a stark contrast in the OVA series), the visual quality, unfortunately, didn't quite match the excellence of the first season by WiT Studio. While commendable in their efforts, Studio Kafka seemed to be running out of breath towards the end of the second part. They occasionally relied heavily on computer effects and encountered minor hiccups, and it was slightly less visually captivating this time. Nevertheless, I still enjoyed this season. I eagerly await what lies ahead (the continuation has been confirmed), and after seven years, I'm delighted to once again award The Ancient Magus' Bride with the highest rating. 8.7/10.


Under Ninja (2023) (sarja) 

englanti Call me shallow, but if I really don't like the animation style, chances are I won't stick around for more episodes. Surprisingly, that wasn't the sole reason I stopped watching this series after just one episode. I vividly recall the exact moment I dropped it. What caused it? The hero's "fart no jutsu"! Despite a few folks insisting the series is funny and holds great story potential, it'll take me some time to shake off that cringe. For now, my watchlist is brimming with other series where the character designs aren't off-putting, where everything isn't oddly grey, and where I won't constantly feel like ninjas are lurking in the shadows. Unrated.


Bullbuster (2023) (sarja) 

englanti Giant robots destroying monsters while also handling paperwork, the cost of ammunition, and other logistical challenges of a not-very-thriving business sounds like an intriguing premise on paper. Despite not being a huge fan of mechs, I decided to give the series a shot. Unfortunately, the robot itself didn't strike me as anything special, and the creatures it battled were equally underwhelming. Even the humorous jab at bureaucratic hurdles like paperwork (contracts, insurance, licenses...) before the action kicked off failed to captivate me enough to keep watching the show. Hence, I opted to drop it after just one episode. Perhaps I'll revisit it someday during a slow anime season, as the series didn't rub me the wrong way — it just failed to hook me from the get-go. Unrated.


Dr. Stone - New World (2023) (kausi) 

englanti Dr. Stone is ramping up the craziness, shifting away from serious science and diving headfirst into action-packed twists. This season kept me on the edge of my seat; I doubted Senkuu's ability to navigate the challenges until the very end. He truly faced danger several times, heightening the suspense. If you're seeking scientific explanations, it's time to hit up YouTube tutorials or crack open an encyclopedia, because Dr. Stone is all about pure shonen excitement, constantly raising the stakes without a moment to spare. But Senkuu, and humanity by extension, seem to thrive on these challenges. As a member of humanity myself, I can't help but feel a surge of pride witnessing their triumphs— it just works. I've come to realize that the wilder and perhaps even more outlandish the plot gets, the more entertained I become. It's taken three seasons, but I'm finally settling on a solid 7/10 rating. What's next on the agenda? Perhaps a journey to the Moon, or even beyond — to places where no one has gone before...


Odžó to banken-kun (2023) (sarja) 

englanti I don't like it when a story initially presents a father-daughter dynamic between the main characters, only to pivot towards a romantic relationship as the girl grows older. This shift in relationship dynamics tends to feel off to me; it disrupts the balance of their connection, whether or not they're biologically related. To me, family isn't solely defined by blood ties but by the bonds we forge. For this reason, I doubt I'll ever finish reading the Usagi Drop manga, as I've heard about its direction. Similarly, I dropped this series after just the second episode. It didn't quite meet my personal three-episode rule, which I tend to stick to when evaluating shows. Hence, I leave it unrated.


Bókenša ni naritai to mijako ni deteitta musume ga S-Rank ni natteta (2023) (sarja) 

englanti I'll start with the obvious - when stacked against the cream of this year's fantasy crop, "S-Rank Heroine and Co." looks like a poor relative. The animation style feels dated, sporting a faded color palette and battle effects reminiscent of the 90s. The fights themselves are handled as economically as possible in terms of action and movement. Still, credit where it's due—the creative team managed to extract maximum impact from minimal resources. Despite its shortcomings, the animation remains coherent and surprisingly passable. However, if you're expecting a top-tier fantasy spectacle, prepare for disappointment. Then again, spectacle isn't the series' primary focus. From the trailers, it's evident that the show centers around family dynamics — specifically, the relationship between a father and his daughter. And in this regard, it delivers admirably. Belgrieve emerges as a compelling character, always ready to lend a helping hand — because he also used to be an adventurer. Angeline, his daughter, exudes an endearing charm and really loves her father, maybe a little too much, so even though she's about 17, she often acts like she's 12 in the presence of her father. While some may find it amusing or adorable, others might see it as grating or contrived. Personally, I find myself somewhere in between on this matter. The supporting characters serve their purpose aptly — the likable ones endear themselves to the viewer, while villains evoke either mystery or disdain, making their punishment all the more satisfying. As the protagonist's family grows, akin to the Torretos, the ensemble remains well-balanced, thanks to the generally solid characterizations. What truly piques my interest, however, is the protagonist's enigmatic past. I crave more insight into the series' darker undertones — a facet that captured my attention most. If properly developed in a potential next season (which was somewhat lacking in the first), it could elevate the series beyond its current 6/10 rating.


Kamierabi - Season 1 (2023) (kausi) 

englanti My impression after catching a few episodes is as though Yoko Taro decided over a few beers to make their own version of Mirai Nikki, but with an extra round of drinks, they somehow landed on the idea of doing it all in 3D animation. Sadly, even from the initial trailer, I found the visuals off-putting — the character models lacked appeal and moved unnaturally, while the overall color scheme felt overly vibrant to the point of being harsh on the eyes. Entering the first episode with significant biases, neither the second nor the third episode managed to dispel them. It's disappointing, really. I had hoped that with Yoko Taro's name attached, there might be something more — perhaps an intriguing, well-crafted story that would captivate me. But alas, nothing. The only redeeming factor, if any, was the occasional fights that made good use of the crazy color palette. However, the plot failed to grab my interest (more dull than outright bad), the characters left me unimpressed, and I couldn't discern any deeper layers to it all. There's a chance it could improve over time, that there's untapped potential waiting to reveal itself later on. But let's be honest, who wants to sift through rubbish in the hope of stumbling upon something worthwhile someday years down the line? Not me. Nevertheless, I gave this show a shot but I'm dropping it after the third episode, giving it a 3.5/10 rating. It didn't outright annoy me, but it certainly failed to engage or excite me; it simply left me feeling bored and indifferent.


Kage no džicurjokuša ni naritakute! - Season 2 (2023) (kausi) 

englanti The second season of The Eminence in Shadow doesn't hold back on the entertainment factor — or should I say, the madness factor — and remains just as engaging as the first season, as long as you're not expecting anything to be taken deadly seriously. To me, this series epitomizes the rule of cool taken to the extreme, bordering on cringe, but the good kind — the kind that's ripe for poking fun at. Right from the start, when the main protagonist runs around the city, popping up at precisely the right moment to deliver a line in that deep voice, you'll know if this series is up your alley. The second part, however, was a pleasant surprise because, for once, it felt like we were delving into a plot that genuinely portrays Cid as the true mastermind behind the scenes, secretly pulling the strings of all the events. The storyline involving fake money and John Smith amused me the most out of the entire series, even if it mainly followed the rules for effect and the main protagonist merely pretended to have everything under control, taking cues from the likes of Overlord. But the reality is different... Then we have the swimsuit special, supposedly penned by the author himself as a bit of fan service for viewers. Is it unnecessary? Perhaps. But every good anime with multiple heroines needs a swimsuit episode — or in other words, sometimes amidst all the action, it's essential to take a breather and blow off some steam. And when it seamlessly fits the overall tone of the series, carries on from the previous episode, and gives some characters a bit of development... Well, I won't cry dragon tears over one episode. The finale itself is fantastic; my favorite villain from the first season, Doem Ketsuhat, returns, hilariously dubbed "Perv Asshat" in the English subtitles — a naming choice I consider both the best and the laziest I've ever seen. And the ultimate showdown? It's a thrilling battle with a stunning atomic finish and a twist that, as an anime-only fan, I never saw coming, leaving me incredibly hyped for The Eminence in Shadow: Lost Echoes. I thoroughly enjoyed it... 8/10.


Kon'jakuhaki sareta reidžó o hirotta ore ga, ikenai koto o ošhiekomu (2023) (sarja) 

englanti There's a notable distinction between a five-year-old child being naughty and adults being naughty... In this series, the naughtiness mostly falls into the former category. So if you're expecting the main characters to do anything other than gobble up sweets at ten in the evening, you're in for a surprise! The humor here tends to lean toward the childish side, but every now and then, it throws in a completely absurd joke that'll have you laughing out loud — I found myself in stitches several times. In short, there are moments when it really hits the mark and entertains. I particularly enjoyed the first few episodes, when the main duo were finding their way to each other —i t had a charmingly romantic vibe with all their "naughtiness" and the occasional comedic bombshell. But then, the main hero's sister entered the scene, and things took a turn toward a pseudo-funny farce, chock-full of predictable twists and clichés, causing my impression of the series to plummet toward mediocrity. Even the introduction of new characters failed to inject any freshness into the mix. The series had to rely on its final stretch to salvage my interest, particularly with the endearing storyline surrounding the main heroine's sister, whose conclusion was heartfelt. Even the last episode was fairly well executed, though disappointingly, the long-awaited beautiful moment between the main duo unfolded exactly as expected. So, while I enjoyed the beginning and the end, much of what transpired in between felt like your average anime. However, I'm aware of at least two people who really savored this series — Tomokazu Sugita and Saori Hayami. The voice actors portraying the main couple delivered stellar performances, showcasing not just their immense experience but also their evident enjoyment in the dubbing process. Thanks to them, I instantly connected with the main duo, viewing them as genuinely likable and entertaining characters. Because of this, I find myself invested in their future, and if there is a second season, count me in. 6/10.


Helck (2023) (sarja) 

englanti I'm torn about giving Helck 4 stars considering the series just doesn't fully click with me. The hero is a standout character, and his relationship with Vermilio is truly engaging, but beyond that, there's little that grabs my attention. Visually and musically, it strikes me as average, with battles that feel bland and lackluster. The pacing is another issue; the series seems to stumble in some areas while rushing through others, leaving certain parts feeling underdeveloped. The blend of drama and comedy also falls short for me. At times, these elements clash awkwardly, and the creators struggle to evoke the intended mood. Yet, amidst these shortcomings, I can't help but sense hidden potential. I wonder what a more skilled team with a larger budget could achieve with this premise. Additionally, I'm curious to see how the story will conclude, which might make me give a potential second season a chance. However, I'm also considering exploring the manga, as it might work better for me. To sum up, Helck has the potential to be great, but many aspects strike me as average, and there are moments where things just don't quite click. While I'd like to award it 4 stars, even if they'd be generous, it ultimately falls closer to a 6/10 for me.

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