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Arvostelut (2 278)


Hurjapäät 4 (2009) 

englanti Qualitatively on the same level as the first one. Diesel smoothly returns to the role of the ultimate road pro, which, whether we like it or not, was the pinnacle of his career. Paul Walker in the meantime has grown to become the second ultimate pro (remember Running Scared?) and this shows in the movie. This movie is more about revenge and restoring old ties than it is about cars, but it certainly isn’t a problem. Given where the series was recently headed, this is a pleasant return to its roots, and as far as I’m concerned, I'd be happy to hang out with this group a third time round.


Push (2009) 

englanti This movie has its good moments, but overall it is on the weaker side of what has come out of the mutant genre. The story has more twists than a pretzel, not to mention occasional jumps into the past (the glass of beer and the toothbrush) and variously predicted futures. Luckily a really interesting group of actors comes together here and apart from that guy Evans, we occasionally see a drunk and very striking Dakota Fanning. These two spend the whole picture reeling off wisecracks and you can see that they really hit it off together. And I could watch Camilla Belle in any movie whenever you like. An extra star for the marvelous shots of Hong Kong. A high 3.


The International (2009) 

englanti Wonderful shots of all sorts of things without any screenplay worth speaking of. What surprised me most is that they managed to talk both Clive Owen and Naomi Watts into doing this, because this dumb, over-combined movie simply doesn’t deserve them. If it weren’t for the actors, Tykwer’s eye for captivating shots and the untraditional music, The International would be slopping around in international waste waters.


The Boondock Saints (1999) 

englanti An inventive screenplay and direction from Duffy (the ingeniously written scene with the reconstruction of the shoot-out) that any would-be action director would have been proud of. Excellent acting performances both by the main two or the directing Willem Dafoe give the movie an inimitable atmosphere. I hope that Troy Duffy gets enough dough for part two so that the Saints can pull out all the stops again. And shepherds we shall be, for Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In nomine Patris. Et Filii. Et Spiritus Sancti.


Star Trek (2009) 

englanti The intro blows you away both emotionally and in terms of special effects. Abrams combines eye candy with the inexorability of fate with masterly skill. Nero’s passage through the wormhole is appropriately monstrous (thanks to the marvelously designed ship) and destructive. Since I had the chance to look at the comic book preceding it, the second part of the story and the storyline around the red matter and preventing the destruction of the galaxy are all more than familiar. For me, Nero isn’t such an incomprehensible character. And Eric Bana moreover imprinted incredible charisma into him. In fact, I thought it was rather a shame the movie didn’t focus on him more. But this is all made up for with storyline about young Kirk, who is really cool in Pine’s delivery. That loud-mouth, constantly spouting snappy lines is just about right opposite Quint’s “rebel" Spock and these two (along with the superb space battles) are the powerhouses of the movie. And for me, time travel has a special aura and I just have to give the full five. Abrams proves that he seriously has skills like nobody else (I hope he proves this again tomorrow during the finale of season five of Lost) and I’m pleased that he was chosen to bring us King’s fantastic saga, Dark Tower.


Silmänkääntäjä (2006) 

englanti A Czech fairy tale with Edwad Norton in the lead role. Neil Burger obviously learned the style from other, and mainly cheaper, Czech productions.


Under the Hood (2009) 

englanti A very well-made “documentary" which is an excellent accompaniment to the movie, but can stand alone as well. The history of the Minutemen was sidelined in the movie and some of the events in the movie make greater sense after watching this. The actors slipped perfectly into their roles and finally we get a chance to enjoy Carla Gugino and Stephen McHattie, who just flitted past in Watchmen.


The Keep (1983) 

englanti An atmospheric, not completely traditional B-movie with a superbly gloomy story. Mann’s style starts waving at you already in the title sequence with the arrival of the Nazis at the fortress and peeps out in each really good scene. I was a little surprised with the strange work with music, because that is usually Mann’s strong side. But here, crazy synthesizers boom away in pretty weird passages and sometimes it is disruptive more than helping to complement the visual action. No flaws in terms of acting, but apart from McKellen and Glenn the remaining ensemble didn’t get much of a look in. I mean, Jürgen Prochnow and Gabriel Byrne could certainly have got more involved in the action. As for effects, they seemed pretty impressive for a movie from the 80s.


Variksenpelätin (1973) 

englanti An excellent drama about friendship with the great Al Pacino and Gene Hackman. Relaxed pace in the beginning, making one think that life can be nice after all, is replaced in the middle by harsh reality, which, by the end, almost crushes you, mainly due to the performances of the two protagonists. I'd like to believe they eventually opened the carwash.


Operaatio Valkyrie (2008) 

englanti Singer did a good deal of work on this and everything is in the right place. He literally delights in the authenticity of the setting and the event. Cruise’s acting is good and his performance as Colonel von Stauffenberg will win you over. Simply because of what a good guy he was. It was excruciating knowing how his assassination attempt worked out.