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Arvostelut (2 987)


Saturnin (1994) 

englanti Apart from Vízner in the central role, I’m not particularly happy with the cast. Which might not matter if they had at retained at least the spirit of the original novel. In that respect the screenwriter totally failed. The overall impression isn’t improved by the technical quality that looked like a rather cheap TV production. Saturnín isn’t a bad picture at all, but it’s just too mediocre and unworthy of the original. Nothing more and nothing less.


Byl jednou jeden polda II - Major Maisner opět zasahuje! (1997) BOO!

englanti Major Maisner in action again! Hurray!!! Hurray... Hurray? No, dear Soukup, thank you, but really we don’t want this indescribably idiotic variation on Police Academy ever to raise its head again on our screens. Otherwise it might have permanent consequences for our sanity. You know what, Maisner? Crawl into a corner and die and never again even a peep out of you! Yours sincerely, TV Nova viewers.


Dracula 3000 (2004) (TV elokuva) 

englanti It's idiocy to the nth degree, but there are few things with such ridiculous and almost perfect dialogue... Unforgettable.


Alligaattori (1980) 

englanti I am fully aware of how bad Alligator is, but it is so bad that it’s almost adorably ridiculous. And why not admit it honestly, it is in a way a video cult-classic for a generation. This is just something you want to see on a VHS tape with boring monologo-dubbing.


Lake Placid (1999) 

englanti A movie that should have been made fifteen years earlier. It could have been at least a solid video cult-classic like Alligator, because this way it's just cliché-laden, boring stuff designed for the bottom shelves of video stores.


The X-Files - Salaiset kansiot - Pilot (1993) (jakso) 

englanti It still isn’t completely right, but even in the pilot episode you could clearly feel that something big was brewing... This is far from being an exceptionally good episode, but it’s quality craftsmanship that kicked off the whole X-Files phenomenon. And that is true despite the fact that, unlike later episodes or seasons, this looks pretty low-budget, the directing isn’t at all interesting and the music is like out of some 1980s B-movie - by which I don’t mean to offend, but it simply can’t compete with the background music later on in the series. But the most important things is that it has a quality screenplay, chemistry between the central duo and, primarily, atmosphere. The beginning of searching for the truth that perhaps is hiding somewhere out there. Or perhaps not...


Kelkkajengi (1993) 

englanti A solid laid-back family film loosely based on true events. It’s is kept afloat mainly by John Candy and Zimmer's music.


Minä päivänä tahansa (1999) 

englanti The matches themselves have the right energy, the actors are good, Stone carries the whole thing off convincingly, but somehow it lacks something to pull you in. As a result, Any Given Sunday is nothing but an interesting addition to the endless row of sports dramas.


Good Night, and Good Luck. (2005) 

englanti George Clooney requires an initial investment from the viewer in the form of some degree of knowledge regarding the Un-American Activities Committee. It is, however, a profitable investment that will pay off with interest in the form of an extremely engaging and high-quality film.


Goodbye Lenin! (2003) 

englanti No hint of comedy at any single moment of the entire two hours of running time. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The theme alone is a gold mine. Too bad that the creators didn’t get anything out of it. And it is doubly disappointing that throughout Wolfgang Becker gets stuck on a thousand and one variations of the same scene. Even so, Goodbye, Lenin is a good picture because it entertains, but not using humor. If nothing else, it at least makes an attempt to come to terms with the past - whether it is successful, apt and dignified in doing so, I shall leave you to decide. This movie is utterly incomparable with the Czech “romp" Pupendo which at first glance is very similar, but at second glance everything is different. ♫ OST score: 4/5