Monty Pythonin lentävä sirkus - Season 2 (1970) (kausi)

Lehdistötunti (S02E01)


Suoratoistopalvelut (1)


Kotiäiti valitsee kuoleman nopeamman palvelun toivossa. Hassun kävelyn ministeriö työllistää apurahan hakijan. Piranjan veljesten rikoksia muistellaan. (Netflix)

Arvostelut (1)



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut (tähän sarjaan)

englanti The second season of the Circus started grandly. The opening episode started slowly with the skit "Under Pressure of the Press," but the following skit about a new stove clearly showed that the show "OPBH" has always worked everywhere, regardless of whether it is a democratic or totalitarian regime. The rest of the episode was completely dominated by the "Whip Walk" and the terrifying story of the Piranha Brothers. I had a great time, and John Cleese's performance would make even an experienced gymnast proud. ()