Mein kleines Kind

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Saksa, 2003, 88 min


In the middle of my pregnancy I had an ultrasound examination that revealed that my unborn child had a complex malformation syndrome. It was the 21st week of the pregnancy; the doctors suspected a chromosome anomaly in the fetus. Clearly, there was only one way to interpret their prognosis: very bad. "It’s your decision!", announced the specialist for prenatal diagnostics: "but the usual procedure would be to terminate the pregnancy immediately". This autobiographical film is about feeling the presence of my child, the birth and then having to bid farewell to my little son Martin Tim. It deals with the personal conflicts that arose and what happened after receiving the shocking news of the terrible diagnosis. In particular, it examines the sudden demands placed upon me at having to decide how long one of my children may live and just how he should meet his death. (DOK.fest München)
