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Slow Start (2018) 

englanti Slow Start is a cute anime series with many likable characters and the classic concept of cute girls doing cute things. However, the overall impression suffers most because it came out in the same anime season (Winter 2018) as several others. Unlike shows about camping and Antarctica or shows like Mitsuboshi Colors, I could not really find anything that special about this show. In other words, Slow Start was at the bottom of the list of enjoyable shows I wanted to watch this anime season. On the other hand, it is a real shame because this anime series has some good qualities. It is easy on the eyes,  Kamuri is a Kawaii Over 9000, and the other characters are pretty interesting too. Still, I felt like I had not seen anything new. It reminded me of Yuru Yuri, Hinako Note, and other similar anime series, and this was all kind of mostly the same as those I had already seen. I am almost worried whether I have just had way too many cute girls; maybe just in this anime season. However, I am going to be fair. While I do not think Slow Start deserves any negative ratings because it is not so bad compared to the anime series I mentioned previously, I still have to evaluate my impression of watching it. It is just near the better average. Someday, when the year’s releases will be full of fighting shonen and special academies again, I am going to try and give this anime series another go, and perhaps I will enjoy it a bit more the second time around. 6.3/10. ()