In The Shadow of Coal

kaikki julisteet
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Yhdysvallat, 2016


Eric Warren


Running From Coal Dust: Single mother Rose Bolach began researching coal dust when coal trains doubled, then tripled heading to western ports. Coal dust is linked to diseases that are especially harmful to children. With the school one hundred yards from the tracks, she decided she needed to do something.

A Strip Mine is Forever: Rancher Steve Charter has been fighting since the 1970's to keep coal operations from destroying his family's ranch. Since then, he has watched the coal industry erode the safeguards he's fought so hard to establish. Now the threat of strip-mining on his ranch looms.

Some Places Shouldn't Be Industrialized: The Otter Creek Valley sits atop the largest coal deposit in the lower forty-eight states. It's also home to some of Montana's most productive farms and some of the last unindustrialized grasslands. Wildlife filmmaker Dawson Dunning shares why Otter Creek is worth protecting

Preserving the Homeland For Seven Generations: The Northern Cheyenne Reservation sits atop Montana's largest coal reserve. Alaina Buffalo Spirit and the Northern Cheyenne Tribal Council stand up "as warriors" to stop the nearby Otter Creek Mine, the largest open-pit coal mine proposed in the lower forty-eight states.

Keeping a Ranch That Can Be Passed On: Jeanie Alderson's family has been ranching Montana's Tongue River Valley since 1889, weathering world wars and the Depression. Jeanie's water is now threatened by proposed coal mines that must drain the aquifer to extract the coal. In arid Montana, water is life. (Big Sky Documentary Film Festival)
