Pingviinien matka 2

  • Ranska L'Empereur (lisää)
Traileri 1

Suoratoistopalvelut (2)


Pingviinien matka 2 on koskettava ja visuaalisesti näyttävä luontodokumentti keisaripingviinien pesinnästä. Luc Jacquet'n ohjaama dokumentti on kuvattu Antarktiksen hyisen huikeissa maisemissa. Oscar-palkitun Pingviinien matka –elokuvan jatko-osa soveltuu myös perheen pienimmille. (Finnkino)

Arvostelut (1)



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti I saw the first March of the Penguins years ago in high school, and whereas it focused more on the journey itself, The Next Step is more static and focused for the most part on one little penguin and its parents. A viewer watching the film in the warmth and quiet of the cinema can hardly imagine the penguins' harrowing lives in the frozen Antarctic, but the makers manage to portray this (often) life-and-death struggle in a compelling way, and provide many a breathtaking shot of the inhospitable landscape of ice and the daily challenges faced by all the creatures there. What I liked best were the magical shots of the underwater world – perhaps it's just a pity there weren't more of them. A weaker four stars! ()