
Kórody Gábor, a young man out of job, and Szabó Magda, a poor young lady from the country, have now been engaged for years. Quite unexpectedly, an old dream comes true when, thanks to someone Magda knows, Gábor is employed in a car factory in Budapest, so they can eventually get married. The young couple, now full of hope, are on their way to Pest, but at the railway station Gábor has an argument with another gentleman, who happens to be the car baron, Gábor's employer. Being anxious about the job he thinks he might lose, Gábor asks Tavaszi Mátyás, a clumsy dispensing chemist, to act as a proxy and to visit the director while he himself is at work in the factory. The trick is finally revealed, but the director pardons the talented young man for the faux pas he has made. (jakelijan virallinen teksti)

