Si la mer se meurt

Ranska, 2015, 20 min


Lorris Coulon


Lorris Coulon


Sékou is hungry. His father is a humble fisherman. He puts out to sea in his small boat and casts his nets – in vain. Sometimes there is a crab, or a piece of wood, but never any fish. No matter where his father searches, in between the mangroves, or in deeper water, his net is always empty. There are plenty of pelicans around and small crabs, too, but no fish. Huge ships from far away have caught everything and now there is nothing left to catch for local fisherman in small boats. Sitting by the camp fire at night, Sékou's father asks him what he wants to be when he grows up. Sékou gives no answer. But he is certain of one thing: he is not going to be a fisherman. (Berlinale)
