
Mythica follows the enchanting adventures of Marek, a wizard born with the dark powers of necromancy, trapped in a life of eternal servitude. With the help of beautiful a priestess, Teela, Marek escapes her master and assembles a team of adventurers to embark on an epic quest to rescue Teela s sister from a vicious Ogre. Marek s powers are put to the test as she learns to harness the magic that threatens to corrupt her. Featuring a formidable heroine, a band of brutish brothers, and a startling fantasy world, Mythica depicts the spellbinding tale of Marek s fight for freedom. (Signature Entertainment)


Arvostelut (1)



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti It was to be expected that this wouldn't be anything special, and indeed it isn't, but the creators did seem quite enthusiastic about meeting the demands of fantasy. There are some terrible effects, there's a journey, and there's a group that you might even somewhat root for. I wasn't expecting anything great and I didn't get that, so 40% seems fair to me. ()

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