Bye bye chaperon rouge

kaikki julisteet
? %
Unkari / Kanada, 1989, 91 min


Piroska is five-years-old when her father leaves them and she moves to the woods with her mother, not very far from Grandma and Great-grandma, who left the city to live in an environmentally friendly lifestyle. Piroska gets acquainted with the wolf, who loves her and wants her to his possession, and with Miki, who takes her to the city. Piroska meets her father here again, as the lover of a circus rope dancer. Piroska is deceived in everyone. The wolf eats up both grandma and Piroska, but the etiologist, who bears utmost resemblance to the father of Piroska, sets them free from the stomach of the wolf. (jakelijan virallinen teksti)
