Suoratoistopalvelut (2)


Käänteentekevän toimintaklassikon, Point Break - Myrskyn ratsastajat (1991), päivitetty versio tuo vapaudenkaipuun, suolaiset aallot ja huimat toimintakohtaukset rytinällä 2010-luvulle. Elokuvan henkeäsalpaavat stuntit pääsevät oikeuksiinsa 3D:nä. Nuori FBI-agentti soluttautuu porukkaan, jonka epäillään suunnitelleen sarjan röyhkeitä ryöstöjä. Ryhmään soluttautumisessa on haasteensa: sen kaikki jäsenet ovat nimittäin toinen toistaan kovakuntoisempia ja taitavampia extreme-urheilijoita, jotka ovat tavoittamattomissa yhtä lailla maalla, merellä kuin ilmassa... (Future film)


Arvostelut (4)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Set against backdrop of National Geographic green screens, Point Break is a testosterone-fuelled exhibition of extreme sports pretending to be a cinematic story with a message, just like the original from 1991. Though it is nicely filtered in terms of visuals and has likeable actors, its narrative is completely retarded. And the sports exhibitions that are at least not ridiculous, such as the final climb over wet cliffs, are neither as easy to follow nor as epically portrayed as in The Art of Flight, which clearly served as an inspiration (look at the similar graphics as the end credits start to roll). ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti The action scenes are mostly OK, partly supported by capable stuntmen, partly by the kind of big digital mess that makes me nervous. And also there’s Kurt Wimmer, who somehow missed his calling, but we already knew that about him. I'd better put the word "remake" out of my mind, otherwise I'd have to rate it even lower. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti In 1991 it was enough to go our own way and not respect the social and financial system, today it has to be laced with spirituality and above all "we take the country, we give the country back". Nice, but a bit ill-conceived, because even these tough guys have to get money somewhere for their luxury cars, yacht parties, adrenaline sports and cool tattoos. Besides, you don't believe their talk one bit except for Edgar Ramirez – the guy is pure charisma. Too bad it didn't have more momentum and cleaner or more genre (action movie) content. Because the visuals and directorial ideas are fine, the locations are cool and the whole thing is technically and atmospherically strangely captivating (instead of rock hits there's mostly ambient post-rock) with cold greyish camera filters, plus, it’ll be a treat for extreme sports fans. This is the aspect where the film is definitely strongest. The climbing scene is fantastic. Seeing it at home on bluray is totally enough though. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti For me, definitely one of the unnecessary films of this year. It doesn't claim that the original "Turning Point" is a masterpiece, but the idea is good and besides, there are charismatic actors. They are missing in the remake. The only thing the film has are great scenes of extreme sports, but honestly, even that got boring for me gradually and the finale didn't interest me at all. ()