

Suoratoistopalvelut (2)


Parhaan vieraskielisen elokuvan Oscarehdokkaana ollut, Cannesin elokuvajuhlilla palkittu Omar kertoo rakkaudesta, vapaudenkaipuusta ja sodankäynnistä konfliktien repimän Lähi-idän sydämessä, Länsirannalla. Omar on nuori palestiinalainen leipuri, joka on rakastunut Palestiinaa ja Israelia erottavan muurin väärällä puolella asuvaan kauniiseen Nadiaan. Jatkuvassa pelossa ja epävarmuudessa eläminen nakertaa nuoria. Nadia haluaisi ratkaista tilanteen muuttamalla muualle, Omar on valmis uhraamaan henkensä vapaan Palestiinan puolesta. Epäonnisen ammuskeluleikin seurauksena Omar joutuu vaaralliseen välikäteen israelilaisten ilmiantajana. Pettääkö hän todella omansa – ja keneen hän voi luottaa, kummallakaan puolella rajaa? (Future film)


Arvostelut (2)



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti I have to admit that since Paradise Now, director Hany Abu-Assad has clearly progressed further, and his drama can withstand even the most precise measurements and comparisons with foreign models. Moreover, it is evident that he is influenced by European cinema and adapts the pace and style of his storytelling to the local audience. I greatly appreciate the sense of authenticity. Hany Abu-Assad grew up in Palestine and can convincingly and captivatingly depict the local realities. As for the acting, I also did not find any weaknesses worth mentioning. Perhaps, I should note that Omar is a political drama that necessarily has a propagandistic dimension. Palestine is unfortunate in that it is disputed by two ethnic groups, and therefore two radically different interpretations of its modern history exist. The viewer must take into account and approach Omar's story with a certain reservation and awareness that the problem is (much) more complex since the film advocates for the "Palestinian cause." If Palestinians, who are currently at a disadvantage in terms of power, were to find themselves in the role of the hegemon, I would have no illusions about the fate of the Jewish population. Overall impression: 80%. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti It begins as a romance between the walls of two camps and ends as a brutal response to the question what the war on Palestinian land does to people. It involves raw brutality which is something no similar dramatic story can do without. For me personally it was shocking, and I will think about it for a long time. Especially the finale. ()