
Traileri 1

Suoratoistopalvelut (2)


Laajan hahmokaartin elokuva kuvaa John F. Kennedyn salamurhan vaikutusta lukuisiin henkilöihin tuona kohtalokkaana päivänä Dallasissa. Keskeisiä henkilöitä ovat FBI-agentti, nuori lääkäri, toimittaja, salaisen palvelun agentit, Kennedyn henkilökunta, Lee Harvey Oswaldin vanhempi veli, Jackie Kennedy sekä Abraham Zapruder. (United International Pictures Fin.)


Arvostelut (2)



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti An excellent acted documentary, which, from start to finish, gives off a very authentic impression and is designed mainly for viewers obsessed with the JFK theme. There are a lot of characters, none of them are the main character and almost everyone has their moment. A number of scenes are hellishly strong and I appreciate how the screenwriter and director managed to balance the mournful patriotic mood of the film so that (at least for me) it didn't seem cheap and I didn't feel that it was blackmailing me emotionally. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti No, if Zac Efron was saving Kennedy, it is clear where the mistake happened. But seriously. After fifty years, Americans commemorate the death of a man whose survival could presumably change the world. We don't know, it didn't happen. JFK will remain an eternal topic. The film has great casting and excellent performances at times, but when I look at the recording, which was essentially captured by Abraham Zapruder by chance, the recording that captures JFK being shot, it chills me much more about how beastly people can be and what they are capable of doing. The film excels in capturing events that normal people couldn't see. It succeeds in that, but it is actually just a memory of a terrifying act. ()