
Larry and Jackie thought they were trading their wallets for a very shiny knife, but it turns out they were mugged. (Which explains why the guy forgot to give them the knife.) Debbie decides they need a safety seminar... but that just ends up frightening them more, because they had basically no idea there was so much out there to be frightened about. So they react totally rationally and hole up in the panic room they built upstairs at the Weaver house. Amber loves Reggie. At least, he's pretty sure she does. He tells her a lot, but she has yet to say it back. He thinks humans are more likely to connect when they're frightened, so he proposes a scary movie night -- but Jane crashes it. Amber decides that she has to get rid of Jane once and for all. But after a serious sit-down with her nemesis, it might be that Jane is the one setting Amber straight. (ABC TV Network)
