Bude třeba dalších výzkumů

Lyhyt / Dokumentti
Tšekki, 2011, 10 min


Andran Abramjan


Beekeepers are struggling in vain against the bee foetus plague, one of the most serious bee diseases. As the plague germs can survive for several decades within the wooden structure of hives, an infected colony must be exterminated and the hives burnt in order to prevent the disease from spreading. Soňa Dubná, a veterinary physician working at an agricultural university discovered that the bee’s intestinal bacteria can have a remarkable effect: they can be used as an antidote and effectively prevent the bee plague. When her research was stalled institutionally, she decided to continue at her own expense. She bought the equipment and arranged a provisional laboratory in her kitchen. Does this make any sense? Why is this important research not subsidized? The documentary Do we Need Further Research? tries to answer these questions and discusses, among others things, the priorities of Czech ministry offices and research institutes. (Academia Film Olomouc)

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