
The elaborate film debut of director Mark Jackson follows a nineteen-year-old caregiver, Joslyn, who looks after an old man in a vegetative state. A life tragedy brings her to this isolated place where she tries to come to terms with the past while living an orderly life filled with routine. Everyday tasks are, however, disrupted by grief, increasing guilt, and insatiable sexual desire. The director carefully discloses essential information that divulges the protagonist's character very gradually, all the time increasing the tension and pleasant uncertainty. (Febiofest)


Arvostelut (1)



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti The Hannah Montana of independent film. A film without emotions, without naturalness, without the ability to express oneself other than through tension (even the atmosphere is forced due to its psychoticism, which seems to have fallen out of a B-movie horror). A nice camera exercise and excellent performance by Joslyn Jensen, but otherwise its "emo" psychological chafing without a single edge and without scenes that would move me in any way. ()